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I walk up the street to Luke's house the next morning. I think about what I'm going to say. Just be straight forward, right? But I don't even know if I actually like him or it was just a thing from the party. But he's a great guy, I don't wanna break him.
I knock on his front door, it opens and he stands there in the doorway with adidas pants on and a t-shirt, his hair is messy.
"Oh hey.." he says
"Hey.." I say
"Let me get some shoes.." he says
He hurries off to find some shoes. I stand there awkwardly waiting for him to come back. I glance across the street at Laney's house. Maybe her and Harvey are hanging out right now?..
Luke reappears getting his shoes on, he closes the door behind him and we begin walking up the road like that night he called my name..
"So..what's up?" He asks
"I wanted to talk to you about my feelings."
I say
"Okay.." he says
"Luke, you're a great guy, but suddenly I have feelings for Max again and I don't know what to do. I don't wanna hurt either of you.." I say
"You should be with Max. He's a great guy and I heard he really loves you. I know it's impossible that we would be together Camille, but maybe someday when the universe wants us to be together.." Luke says
"Now Luke..I didn't say that-" he cuts me off
"Camille, I know you pretty well. It's okay. I'm not hurt. I won't be hurt. Max deserves you, and you deserve him." Luke says
"Are...are you sure?" I ask sounding doubtful
"I'm positive. Go, love him." He says with a warm smile
"Thank you for understanding." I say
We hug.
"I mean there's plenty of other fish in the sea right?" He asks jokingly
"Right." I say and laugh
Harvey's POV

"What do YOU wanna do today?" I ask Laney whose head is in my lap turned facing the tv
"What do you wanna do?" She asks
"It's not my decision." I say
"It's not mine either." She says
I play with her hair, twisting it around my finger, and stroking it.
"Wanna just lay here all day?" Laney suggests looking up at me
"Lets go outside how about?" I say
"Alright." She says
She sits up and stretches. We slip our shoes on and walk out the door. It's a pretty day outside. Laney leans against me resting her head on my shoulder.
"Are you tired?" I ask
She nods sleepily.
"Lets go lay in the grass then." I say
She nods. I pick her up and carry her to the backyard. As I reach the backyard I notice she's dead asleep. I slightly laugh, I pull open the screen door, and step inside. I take her in to the couch and gently set her down. I put a blanket over her, I watch as she curls up in the blanket. I smile to myself. Mom comes through the door, I hold my finger to my mouth telling her to be quiet.
"Sorry." She whispers
She glances over and sees Laney asleep on the couch.
"It's like when her and Max were dating, she would fall asleep here, in Max's lap. It would be so cute." Mom says and smiles
I glance over at Laney.
"You two would make a cute couple." She says
"Momm." I groan
"I mean you guys act like you like each other." She says shrugging
"We're just really close friends." I say
"Whatever you say." She says
"I like her a little bit sure I do, but I could never date her. Brothers Rule of Code." I say
Mom nods.
"I understand." She says
Max is out with friends, Tilly is with friends, and Leo is at boarding school in England. He comes home every summer with this funny England accent, it's great. Next year we're transferring him here so he can be closer to his family, he'll go to a regular school.
"Why don't you go out somewhere with some friends, I'll watch Laney." Mom suggests
"I guess." I say shrugging.
I slip out the door. I pull out my phone to text Jacob.

1:30 pm
The Harvester 🤙🏻
Wanna meet up?
I'm free and need something to do

[Read] 1:32 pm
Sure I'm free
Meet me at my house in 5?

[Read] 1:33 pm
The Harvester🤙🏻
Ok see you

I walk up the road to Jacob's house. We're friends and we talk but we're not that close. We usually just play video games which I guess is okay..
Laney's POV

I wake up on Harvey's couch. The last thing I remember is me falling asleep on his shoulder while we were outside.. I guess he brought me in. I sit up and look around, where is Harvey?
"Good afternoon." Mrs. Mills says
I look to see her sitting in a stool by the counter reading a magazine.
"Hi Mrs. Mills." I say
"Harvey went out with friends, I told him i would watch over you." She says
"Oh..well thanks." I say blushing
"You know Laney, you got yourself quite the friend there." She says
"He's the best." I say smiling
"Ever think about dating?" She asks
I shrug.
"I mean I have a small crush on him I guess, but I don't wanna ruin our friendship." I say
She nods.
"If you two ever did date, you two would be cute." She says
I smile and blush again.
"I should get home, tell Harvey to text me when he gets back. Thanks again." I say getting up
"My pleasure." Mrs. Mills says
I slip my shoes on and slip out the door. I walk up the street to my house. Harvey's a good boy, I'm just not ready to date him yet..
More #Larvey action. Do you guys think they'll end up together in the end? Do you think Max and Camille will actually get back together? Don't forget to vote comment and share!💗
P.s. This is probably the longest book I have ever written 😂😁

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