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She leans over and kisses me. It's real, I know it's happening, I feel it. It's a great feeling, it's like magic, the sparks fly. We pull away and stare at each other.
"Laney?" I ask again
"Yeah?" She asks
"Will you go out with me?" I ask
She looks at my face, I bite my lip waiting for the answer.
"Harvey, I-"
I search her face, my heart beats a mile a minute.
"Harvey, I would love to." She says
I go from concerned and frightened to happy with a huge smile on my face. I pull her into a hug, she buries her face into my chest, I rest my chin on top of her head. I could stay like this all day.
It's been two days since my life became happier. Laney's off with her family visiting her grandparents for the weekend so I'm left home with no one and nothing to do. Our results from our A.R.E's come in soon, so I guess I'm excited for that.
"Harvey why don't you go out and do something." Dad says whose sitting at the table reading a newspaper
"Like what?" I ask
"Go outside. Hey check the mail while you're at it." He suggests
"Fine." I say
I get up and walk outside. I walk down the driveway to our mailbox, I open it to find it with things pouring out of it. I go through each letter one by one. Junk, bills, mom's stuff, dad's stuff, newspapers, more bills, A.R.E results!...and...letters for me and Max?.. I take both letters for me and Max and put them on top of the pile, shutting the mailbox with my foot. I hurry back inside. I dump everything onto the table.
"Woah that's a lot of mail." Max says from the counter
"Yeah no kidding.." I say
Dad takes the pile from me, I hold the two letters in my hands.
"Junk, junk, bills, more junk and..oh! A.R.E results!" Dad says
He rips open the results, the paper unfolds in his hand. He begins reading.
"Well done Harvey." Dad says handing me the results
Max peers over my shoulder.
"All A's nice Harv." Max says
"Thanks.." I say
I put down the letter.
"I um..found these." I say handing Dad the letters addressed to me and Max.
Dad looks at both envelopes.
"These are for you and Max.." dad says
"Me? I never get letters." Max says half laughing
"I guess you can open them.." Dad says handing us the letters
I carefully rip mine open while Max tears through his. I unfold the letter. I begin reading. Max begins reading his out loud.
"June 18th.. Dear Max Mills, I am Carrie Colby, Principal of the London, England Performing Arts School of Talent. I am writing to you noting that I have seen your drawings that you have done and I am very interested. I have to say, you have quite a talent. We have an opening at our school and I was wondering, would you care to join us in our fine talents. I see potential in you, please contact me at 1-891-234-7890. Best Regards, Ms. Carrie Colby." Max finishes
"Max, that's wonderful! That's a very prestigious school to get into too." Dad says
"But London, England?.." Max says
"It is far away.." Dad says
Max turns to me.
"What does yours say Harvey?" He asks
I glance down and start reading.
"June 17th...Dear Harvey K. Mills, I am Dr. Benjamin Dambe, Principal of the Los Angeles, California School of Arts and Talent. I am writing to you to say that I have seen your A.R.E test results and I am completely stunned. You have quite a mind there young man and I want you to be able to use it more. I don't give these out often considering our school is very hard to get into, but you have talent Harvey, and I want you to be apart of our school. Please take this into lots of thought and consideration and get back to me at 1-674-889-4784 thank you. Best Wishes, Dr. Benjamin Dambe." I finish
"Harvey! That's terrific!" Dad exclaims
I look at Max, he looks at me.
"California.." I say
"It's so far.." he says
"Especially England.." I say
"Yeah.." he says
"Boys of course this is a hard decision and we would have to talk to your mother, but these are great offers. The Los Angeles School of Arts and Talents is the best school in Cali, it's great Harvey you are being asked to join them. And Max, the London, England Performing Arts School of Talent is amazing. Probably one of the best schools out there. It's a great offer. Both are." Dad says
"How long do we have to decide?" I ask
"Well we'll have to talk to your mother.." dad says trailing off
I look down at my letter again. It's so far away from Maryland. And so is England. I've never been apart from Max like this...
That night we talk with our Mother as a whole family.
"Boys these are amazing offers. These schools are both very prestigious and hard to get into. It's amazing that both principals are offering you an enrollment." Mom says
"I don't know.." Max says
"I know it's far away, it will be a big change for all of us..but I really think you should take the offer. You won't get something like this ever again." Mom says using a light soft tone
"But it's your choice and we're behind you for whatever you choose." Dad says
Max looks at his letter once more. He rereads it. He looks up at all of us.
"Where will I stay?" He asks
"Well you could stay with my sister, Morgan, you know her right?" Mom asks
Max nods.
"I'm sure she'd love to have you. And Leo will be there too. He comes and stays with Aunt Morgan on the weekends." Mom says
Max looks down at his letter one more time, he looks at me, I nod at him.
"Go." I say
He looks at me, then looks at mom and dad.
"Give me one day and I'll have my answer." He says
"Okay." Mom says
She looks at me.
"Harvey?" Mom asks
"Where would I stay?" I ask
"It's a type of school where you would stay right there on campus in little dorms. Kind of like college but it's not." She says
I look down at the letter.
"Am I even ready for this?" I ask
"Harvey, you're a great student with lots of potential. You're more than ready." Dad says
I look at Max.
"Go Harvey." He says
I glance back down at the letter. It's a great deal, I've wanted to get into one of these schools since I was little. Now's my chance.
"Give me one day, and I'll have your answer." I say
"Okay. We're behind you in whatever you boys decide." Mom says
Max and I both nod. We excuse ourselves and go up to our bedroom. We sit down on our beds.
"We should go shouldn't we?" I say
"We'll never get an offer like that again." Max says
"I need to think about it before I do anything." I say
"Englands so faraway." Max says
"At least you'll have family there." I say
"You'll make friends." Max says
"Yeah right." I say
"Harvey. You should go because of your talent, not because of whether or not you'll make friends." Max says
I sigh.
Big chapter! Max and Harvey are being offered an enrollment to two big schools! Only problem, they'll be away from their family, and each other. Will they end up going or will they deny? Don't forget to vote, comment, and share!💗💗

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