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Harvey's POV

My eyes flutter open, I thought it was my imagination but the phone was actually ringing. I sit up rubbing my eyes, I'm in shock for a moment because I see Laney asleep or passed out on the floor of my bedroom. I jump out of bed and gently shake her awake.
"Laney?" I ask quietly
"5 more minutes..." she mumbles
I laugh.
"Come on Laney get up." I say
The phone keeps ringing.
"I said 5 more minutes.." Laney says again
"Come on Laney get up." I say and start helping her up
She starts to become in control and her eyes open. I sit her down on my bed.
"H-Harvey? What are you doing here?" She asks rubbing her eyes
"I could ask the same for you. Why are you in my bedroom?" I ask
"This is your room?" She asks looking around
I nod.
"I guess it is." She says
"What are you doing here then?" I ask
"I actually don't know.." she says
"I'll be right back." I say
I hustle down stairs, I slide over in my socks and pick the phone up.
"Hello?" I answer
"This is Dr. Jamison from the Cherland University Hospital, I'm calling for Ms. Sara Mills?" He says
"Please hold." I say and put the phone to my chest.
"MOM!" I yell
"WHAT?" She yells from upstairs
"BE RIGHT DOWN!" She calls
I put the phone back to my ear.
"She'll be with you at one moment." I say
"Thank you." He says
Mom comes down the stairs, I hand her the phone. She takes it from me, I step back as she talks. I hear footsteps behind me, Laney appears next to me. We watch as mom's face goes from confused to happy.
"That's great news, thank you so much. We'll be around soon." She says and hangs up.
"Your brother had woken up!" Mom cheers
"What?! Really??" I say
"Yes! He's ready to be picked up!" Mom exclaims
"That's wonderful!" Laney says
"It's amazing! I'm going to go pick him up, would you two like to join me?" She asks
"I'll wait until he gets home." I say
"Very well." Mom says and runs back upstairs
"So glad Max is okay." Laney says
"Me too." I say
"So did you ever figure out how I got here?" She asks
I shake my head. I pick my phone up from the counter, I have 10 million notifications. Mostly text messages.

Danny: did you guys hook up??
Hannah: what is this?? Why did I get this?
Luka: wtf, what did you guys do?
Peter: are you guys together now?
Jamey: Harvey what is this? Did you hook up with that snobby cheerleader?!

I stare at the texts, confused. I go into my pictures. I find one picture, one picture that says it all. A party, that I don't even remember, me and Laney kissing, a passionate kiss.
"What?" Lang asks clearly seeing my face
I show her the picture. She looks at it.
"Woah..when was this?" She asks
"Last night apparently.." I say
"We were at a party? I don't even remember that." She says
"Yeah me either." I say
"Well we do look happy." She says
I nod.
"But it doesn't mean anything." She says
"Right..." I say
"I should get home, I'll come and see Max later." She says
I watch as Laney walks out the door. Is it possible...just a little..that maybe..just maybe..I like Laney instead?..
I wait on the sofa for Max to get home. I feel anxious, nervous..kind of excited?.. will he be different? Or will he be the same? The door slowly opens, I jump up off the couch. Max steps through the door.
"Max!" I cheer
He smiles when he sees me, we embrace in a tight hug.
"Glad you're back." I say
"Me too." He says
"You came through too." I say
"I did." He says
We let go.
"So glad to have my two twins back in the same room." Mom says
She goes back upstairs to finish whatever she was doing.
"I need to talk to you." Max says
"About?" I ask
"Camille." He says

Max is home yay! What happened to Laney and Harvey..do you think they hooked up? Max wants to tell Harvey what he knows, what will happen? Vote comment and share!☺️

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