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"Cam you drank?" Lizzy exclaims on Saturday sitting in my bedroom.
"Shhh, it was a long night and I don't know what was even coming out of my mouth." I say
"You didn't get in trouble?" Lizzy asks
"I was scolded but I lied and said I fell asleep." I say and shrug
"Cam...are you turning into a bad girl?" Lizzy asks
"No! It was just a little white lie." I say
Lizzy shakes her head.
I shrug.
"I still can't believe you drank." She says
"It was a few cups." I say
"A few cups!" Lizzy exclaims
"Okay more like two." I say
"And what about Max?" She asks
"He didn't drink. He was outside most of the time I think. He said some things...as we were walking back to my house. I can't quite remember.." I say
"He said some things?" She asks quizzically
"Yeah... I don't quite remember. But it was weird. But it doesn't matter anyway. It was just a favor, he'll never talk to me again." I say
"Cam. You don't know that. He approached you, which means something.." she says
"Liz its nothing. It was one night." I say
"If you say so." She says and shrugs
Monday, a new week, a new day. I walk into school, buzz is about the party over the weekend. For once I know what they're actually talking about. Because I was there.
"Cam." Someone calls
I turn and see Max coming towards me. I start to walk away, but he catches up with me.
"Cam." He says
"What?" I ask
"About the other night.." he starts
"I barely remember half of what happened so whatever you're going to tell me don't cause I won't remember anyway." I say and start to walk away again
"Cam please wait." Max says grabbing my shoulder and pulling me back around
"What?" I ask
"The other night..you were saying how you didn't think I should care about you?" Max says
"Yeah I guess?" I say not really remembering
"Well i do care about you. A lot. Come talk to me during lunch behind the school building." He says and walks away
I'm left there speechless and confused.

"You're meeting him behind the school?!" Liz asks before class starts
"Yeah.." I say
"Be careful. It could be a trap." She says
"Yeah I know." I say
"I wonder what he wants to talk about." Liz says
"It's probably all lies, dares whatever. I don't fall for it but I wanna see what he has to say." I say
Liz nods.
"Good luck." She says
"Thanks I'll need it." I say
Max's POV

"So you actually like her?" Dylan asks
"Yeah.." I say
"You know she's going to be stubborn. She won't think it's real." He says
"I know. But I'm ready for her stubbornness." I say
"She's a good girl." He says
"Yeah. That's why I like her. She's not like all the girls I meet." I say
"She drank?" He asks
"Yeah. More than she was supposed to. I was worried. But I wasn't gonna tell her then while she was high on alcohol." I say
"People tell more when they're drunk for some reason.." Dylan says puzzling himself
I nod.
"Well I should go, see you." I say
"Good luck." He says
I nod.
I wait outside the school against the wall. I twiddle with my fingers.
"Ah so you came?" I hear Camille say
I look over and see her walking towards me.
"You didn't expect me to?" I ask
"Not really but what's up?" She asks
"Let's sit." I say
We sit down on the grass.
"You're different then all the girls I meet and are friends with. That's what I like about you. It's crazy, probably unbelievable but I like you." I say
I glance over at Camille. She staring at the grass.
"Are you joking?" She asks
"No this is 100% real." I say
"This isn't a prank?" She asks
"No. My own feelings." I say
She stared at the grass for a few moments.
"Can I think about this?" She asks finally
"Yeah sure." I say
"Um..I'll get back to you about it then." She says and gets up and walks away
I lay back in the grass sighing.

(Fall)ing for Him // Max and Harvey FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now