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Now late in the night, Max and I sit under a big tree talking for who knows how long. Sharing memories, dreams, everything.
"Ready to go home?" Max asks
"No I don't want to go home." I mumble
"You have too, someone is probably wondering where you are." Max says
"Fine." I say
I slowly stand up and stretch, Max follows my lead.
"What time is it?" I ask sleepily
Max pulls out his phone, I glance over at the time.
"2:21am." He says
"Yeesh, I should get home then." I say
"Come on sleepy." Max says
He puts his arm around my shoulders and begins walking. I follow in stride, it's quiet and pretty dark out.
We come to a stop at my driveway.
"See you tomorrow." He says
"Bye." I say
We kiss and I walk up my driveway. I slowly open the door, the only light on is the porch light and the living room light. I quietly close the door behind me and take my shoes off. I peak into the living room and my dad is asleep on the couch. I find some paper and write a note saying I made it home and put it next to him on the couch. I tiptoe upstairs to my bedroom.
I shove the books off my bed, they fall onto the floor. I crawl into the bed, I quickly fall asleep with happy thoughts for once.
My step mom is at my throat the next morning.
"Camille what were you thinking?! You do NOT walk out on me like that! You are not the boss!" She yells
"I'm sorry but I don't need to be held captive all the time!" I yell back
"I am your mother!" She yells
"No you're not! You're my step mom!!" I yell
Tears make the break for my cheeks. I take deep breaths and step away. I grab my bag and step out the door. I start walking down my driveway and up the road to school. I wipe my eyes so they're dry. I turn into Max and Harvey's driveway. I knock on the door and take a step back. Max opens the door.
"Camille? Are you okay?" He asks
"No." I say
"What's wrong?" He asks
"My step mother." I say
"What did she do?" He asks
"Everything." I say
Max hugs me.
"Everything will be okay." He says
"Yeah. Sure." I say
"Come on. I'm almost ready for school are you?" He asks
"Yeah." I say
He invites me in for a quick minute. Harvey's at the table eating his breakfast, he glances up at me.
"Oh hey Camille.." he says
"Hey Harvey." I say
He gives me a small weak smile.
"You okay?" I ask
"Yeah." He says
Max comes down the stairs in his school clothes with his bag.
"Ready?" Max asks
I nod.
"You coming now or later Harv?" Max asks
"Later." He says
Max nods. We step out the door together.
"Is Harvey okay? He seems off." I say
"No..I don't think so.." max says
"Okay..just making sure then." I say
"Don't worry okay?" Max says
"Alright." I say

Harvey's POV

I sit there at the table staring at my breakfast, which is just toast. I sigh. If only Camille knew how I really felt...

Sorry I'm so late at updating I've been busy! Thanks for sticking around!💗

(Fall)ing for Him // Max and Harvey FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now