Chapter Twenty One

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  • Dedicated to Matthew in a Badana

I looked up to see shawn.

"Are you ok?" he asked immediately. I looked down not wanting him to see my tears but it was too late. Shawn pulled me in for a hug and kissed my forehead.

"It'll be alright, everything gets better," I shook my head. How does he know things will get better? He doesn't even know the problem to begin with. I just stayed in his arms and let my tears fall.

"Come with me." he whispered in my ear. I looked up at him and he took my hand in his. We walked down the hallway and he took me into his room.

"I know your sad, but it can't be that bad. " I wiped my tears away and tried to reply.

"D-do y-y-ou," I kept stuttering because of how much I was crying.

"Shh, it's ok. take it slow," I nodded and I sat on the bed closer to him. Shawn wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a hug.

"Do you want to talk about it?" he asked . I shook my head no and kept my head in the crook of his neck.

He pulled away from the hug and looked me in the eyes.

"I can make you feel better." he said and put a strand of my hair behind my ear. I started to blush.

"You're really beautiful, and no girl as pretty as you should be crying." Shawn really knows how to make a girl turn bright red.

"It's ok Shawn , I'll get over it," He looked confused.

"Over what?" he said.

"Hav--" I got interrupted by the door. Someone was knocking on it.

"Shawn c'mon your fans are waiting," Shawn gave a apologetic smile and got off the bed.

"We'll talk about this later. " I nodded and watched him leave.

"I guess I'll stay here for awhile," I said to myself.

I searched around the room looking for the TV remote but It was no where to be found. I gave up in like 5 minutes and decided to just leave Shawn's room and go to mine.

In the hallway you could hear all the girls screaming and laughing. I went into my room and saw Emilee. Yes, Emilee the one that is dating my best friend. That is suppose to be dating me.

"Oh. Hey, Dani! Hayes said I could take a break and come up to your room. He said you wouldn't mind." she said all perky with that fake smile that's always plastered on her face.

"I really don't like you. I hope you know that." I said and then walked out the door and slammed it shut.

I went down to the lobby and sat on one of the chairs. I went and looked through my text messages.

From Tyler - I hope you're having fun while I'm here all lonely .

I started to laugh to myself because I wasn't having fun at all. This honestly could be the worst trip I've ever taken .


I had another message from my mom .

From Mama - I miss you how is Nashville ?

To Mama - I miss you too 😘 and Nashville is really fun.


I stayed in the lobby playing flappy bird waiting for Magcon to be over. When it ended I was going to ask Hayes if he wanted to hang out since I came here for him. I walked up to his room and knocked on the door. Hayes opened the door and smiled.

"Hey." I said


"I was just wondering if you wanted to hang out. Or maybe watch a movie with me."

Hayes looked down at his feet.

"Sorry but I promised Emilee that we'd go roller skating" I nodded. I guess it makes sense to hang out with each other .

"It's okay, I would want to hang out with my boyfriend too if I were her." He looked up and smiled.

"No , I'm sorry because I made you come here so we could hang out and now were not." I grabbed his hand in mine.

"Why are you dating Emilee? I know this is off topic but I'm just wondering." He pulled his hand away .

"Why can't I date her?" he snapped. I don't even know why I asked that. How stupid could I be? I was completely silent. Hayes has never ever snapped at me like that, and it hurt.

"I'm sorry for asking," I said and looked down. I saw how far away his hands were from mine and I let a tear slip.

"HAYES! C'MON!!" I heard a girl voice yell and I immediately knew who it was. I kept my head down because I didn't want her to see me in tears.

"Sorry I got to to." Hayes said and ran off leaving me outside his hotel door by myself.

I wiped my tears and started walking to my room. I passed by Shawn in the hallway and he took my hand.

"Wanna see something I found? " and he dragged me to the elevator not even letting me answer. he smiled down at me and I couldn't help but smile back.

"How was Magcon? " I asked while we were waiting for the elevator to come .

"Great. I sang like the usual and danced." I nodded. I should've stayed to hear him sing. When the elevator came we quickly went in and he pressed the top floor button.

"Where are we going ?" I asked.

"Just wait." he said. I smiled a little and looked down at my hands. They were still locked with his and I blushed.

The elevator dinged and we both ran out. I was obviously behind him because I didn't know where I was going.

We went into this room that said staff only to see a conference room.

"This is it?" I asked. He laughed and shook his head. he grabbed my hand and took me into another room. This room was huge and had many seats. It was like a home theater. It even had its own popcorn maker .

"So what do you want to watch?" Shawn asked as he moved me to the middle of all the seats and sat down next to me.

"I don't care." he nodded and picked up a random movie from the self. It was frozen.

He came back to sit with me and pressed play with the remote. During the middle of the movie we kind of got bored and started throwing popcorn at each other. We had competitions on who could catch the most popcorn in their mouth and obviously I lost.

"Dani what were you going to tell me when we were in the room. before I had to leave ?" I shook my head.

"It's not important anymore." Right now I was happy and I don't want to remember Hayes . All he'll do is make me sad.

"Good." he said and pulled me into his shoulder.

"I don't like seeing you sad. "

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