Chapter Twenty Nine

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I woke up at ten and felt so happy. It's Saturday which means no school. Hayes and I are friends again, plus I heard that him and Lauren broke up. Tyler is basically my savior without him Hayes and I wouldn't have made up.

I checked my phone to see I had 3 messages.

From Tyler  - let's hang out , you me and Hayes!

To Tyler  - Kay , where & what?

I smiled checked the next message.

From Shawn  - I ship you and Hayes tbh.

To Shawn  - But we're still friends?

I would hate for things to be awkward between us. He was there when I was at my lowest of lows and he made me happy.

I opened my next message and saw it was from Matt .

From Matt  - I'm almost at your house!

I totally forgot he was coming! This week is going to be amazing, Hayes , Tyler and I are friends and Matt's coming over!

To Matt - YAY! Can't wait

I put my phone down and went to brush my teeth. When I came back I had a text message.

From Shawn  - yes of course, & I need your opinion . should I do a cover of all of me or she looks so perfect?

To Shawn  - all of me for sure! or maybe both....

I changed into a pair of skinny jeans and a purple tank top.

"Dani! the Espinosas are here!" my mom yelled from downstairs. I ran out of my room and headed for the stairs. When I made it down I saw Matt sitting on the couch while his parents and my parents were in the kitchen.

"Hey Matt," I said while walking over to sit next to him. He gave me a hug.

"So, how are things with Hayes?" He asked. I smiled remembering how we made up already.

"We're not fighting anymore, one of my friends helped us make up."

"That's great! because I really wanted to go to Nash's house but I didn't want to leave you. " I laughed because in all honesty I wanted to go see Hayes again today.

"Well, um.. do you want to come up to my room?" I asked. There wasn't really much to do downstairs. He nodded and followed me up the stairs.

I opened up the door to my room and let him in. I jumped on my bed while he sat on the swirly chair.

"What are you doing today?" I asked.

"Nash, Hayes and I are going to make YouTube videos. You can be in them if you want" I smiled and nodded. Three YouTube videos in one day. Plus they're going to be with Hayes.

"I'll text Hayes and tell him we're coming over." Matt nodded and started to play with things on my desk.

To Hayes ❤️ - Matt & I are coming over 😊

From Hayes ❤️ - Kay we'll be waiting ;)

I put on my shoes and left with Matt.

"Bye mom! I'm leaving with Matt. We're going to hayes' house." I closed the door before she said anything. Matt and I walked down the sidewalk and hurried up the stairs to their house. I knocked and the door quickly opened.

"Hey," Hayes said and brought me in for a hug and then gave Matt a hug and pat on the back thing.

"Nash is upstairs and has everything ready," we nodded and ran up the stairs.

"Dude Matt what's up bro?" Nash said once me made it to their room. Matt and Nash started there own conversation while Hayes and I sat down in front of the camera.

"Have you talked to shawn?" he asked.


"Us." he whispered. I couldn't help but blush because he seemed shy when he talks about him and I being a thing.

"I told him we made up again, and he's fine." He nodded and smiled putting his arm around my waist and pulling me closer to him. Matt turned to us and held a confused face but quickly recovered.

"Whose video are we doing first?"

"Mine, Its the eaiset one," Hayes said, "we're doing a would you rather video."

We all nodded and sat on the bed. I sat on the edge, hayes in the middle, then next to him was Nash, and on the other end was Matt. I got up to pressed record and sat comfortably in my seat.

"Hey guys! today I'm here with Dani, Nash, and Matt," he said while pointing to all of us.

"And we will be doing a would you rather video. I asked on twitter for would you rather questions and you gave them to me."

I got to pick the first question on my phone.

"Would you rather Live the rest of your life with Cheetos dust on your fingers or have taste buds in your butt?"

"Cheetos dust." Matt answered first.

"Same, imagine pooping and tasting it." Nash added. I looked over at Hayes to see that he was still thinking hard about this.

"I say Cheetos dust." Hayes turned and looked and me.

"But everything you touch will get dirty. The screen to your phone when your fixing your hair, it'll get dirty." Hayes said finally.

"But that's better then tasting your poop." he nodded.

"True, I pick Cheetos fingers."

"Ok next , would you rather listen to Shawn's singing whenever you wanted to listen to music or Jacob's voice?"

"Shawn." I replied instantly, Hayes stared a me.

"Same." he said still looking into my eyes. I ignored his stare and listened to Nash's and Matt's chose.

We kept playing until we did about 20 would you rathers and we followed some people too.

We took a break of filming. Nash and Matt went out somewhere and Hayes and I stayed in the room.

"What is Nash doing for his video?" I asked.

" I think it's just going to be him and Matt." I nodded. I got up and moved to the door.

"Where are you going?" Hayes asked.

"Out, come on let's go do something." He nodded and followed me out the door.


"I wish we could just stay here." I said laying in the grass looking up at the sky.

"Same." hayes laid near me with his hands behind his head. It was silent but not awkward. A good kind of silent.

Hayes and I were at the park. No we didn't go down the swirly slide or play basketball. All we did was lay in the grass. They sky looked extra pretty today. There weren't many clouds and you could see the sun perfectly. Everything felt right and I absolutely loved it. I looked over to Hayes to see he was smiling. A genuine happy smile. it felt like I haven't seen one of those in a long time. Hayes looked down at me and continued to smile.

"Isn't it pretty?" he asked, I nodded and turned back to the sky. I soon felt his hands intertwine with mine and I couldn't help but smile.

"Dani?" he asked. I looked at him and gave him a 'yes?' look.

"I know I might be too late but ," he started to sit up and so did I. We sat facing each other and Hayes looked more nervous than ever.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

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