Chapter Twenty Seven

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First period I have science with Tyler and Lauren. I sit far away from Lauren so I didn't really have to face her. Tyler sits in front of me so occasionally he would turn around. When class was over I quickly left and went to my third period class.

My third period was home ec. I asked to leave to my locker since I forgot my pencil pouch in my backpack. As I was walking in the hallway I heard Lauren.

"Hayes is totally going to ask me out soon. we've been talking non stop since he came back from Nashville." I heard her snobby voice say. She was probably talking to one of her friends.

I walked faster until I couldn't hear her voice anymore. I went into my hall and saw hayes. I've been trying to avoid him as much as possible. I can't stand him and what he's doing. I walked up to my locker which is close to his.

"Hey," he said awkwardly.

"Hi." I put in my combination and opened my locker.

"You and Lauren?" I asked and soon regretted it.

"What about me and Lauren?"

"Is it a thing?"

"Why are asking?"

"She's been telling people and I just want to know if it's true."

"Why do you even care?" he asked .

"I'm just curious."

"Yea, it's true." he slammed his locker and walked away.

I grabbed me pencil pouch and left.


At lunch I sat next to Tyler.

"I was wondering if you wanted to Hang out today?" Tyler asked.

"Just me and you?"

"Yupp. we can play GTA 5 " I smiled and nodded my head.

"Sounds like a plan."

I heard giggling from behind me so I turned around and saw the popular table, and sitting in the middle, no surprise was Hayes and Lauren. His arm was around her shoulders and she had the biggest smile on your face. Hayes and I soon made eye contact and I turned away fast. I remember the first day back from winter break when he came to sit with me. Then he kissed me in front of everyone. I want that to happen again.

"Dani, whats up with you and Hayes?" Tyler asked looking confused.

"It's complicated." He rolled his eyes.

"I don't care, just tell me." I sighed in defeat and told him about how Hayes started dating Emilee and then how Shawn and I got close and how Emilee was just using Hayes and the big speech he told me about being scared someone might use him again. Then about how Hayes saw Shawn and I kiss.

"I think you guys are a match made in heaven." I started laughing because I could have never predicted Tyler saying anything like that.

"Stop laughing! you guys both need to get your heads out of your asses and make up! it's annoying seeing you fight."

I turned around to see hayes whispering something and Lauren's ear that made her laugh.

That hurt and it shouldn't hurt because I don't like Hayes anymore. He's a dickhead that deserves a slut like Lauren. They can both get AIDS and die in a whole.

(A/N: QOTD - Favorite part of this story so far? )

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