Poem 5 - I Know Why that Cross was Heavy

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I now know why that cross was heavy,

Heavier, even, than bars of lead!

With sinful eyes, I look up and see

My Savior! On a tree hanging dead.

Down a lonely, hateful, friendless path

He walked, He toiled, He made His love shown.

He was made a prey to sullen wrath,

He staked His claim to what is His own.

He, the white Sheep, the Lord and the King;

He served as a slave, suffered such fate.

To Golgotha, He walked, heart aching.  

By that act, we were granted the Gate!

I look up and see, there on that cross,

My own misdeeds glaring down at me.

My lies, my doubts, my appalling flaws,

Yes! They were why that cross was heavy!

You, brother! Do you not behold this?

Our horrid deeds, and He who bears them?

And yet we act like nothing's amiss, 

We, men  who know nothing of torment!

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