Poem 3 - To a dear friend...

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  • Dedicated to Bea Patrice Lugue

I have a friend, a sister, dear to me;

And let me tell you what love my heart bears,

For in the time we had she'd let me see

That someone's there who ever truly cares.

I haven't known her long, but I can tell

Much of what I saw, what she gave to me:

Three years of friendship that had gone so well,

Bonds, that with each moment grew steadily.

The time has now come for her to leave me,

Though I can't help but be blue, this I say:

 What lies hidden, with my heart I can see,

Things I'll recall, for ever and a day.

Who does know? Maybe in this very dome

That is the world, in this very sky of stars;

We'll meet again and finally be home,

Where we'll have peace that nothing ever mars?

To part, to leave, 'tis not to say goodbye.

This I now recount with but one faint sigh.

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