New Town

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I speed down the road. Trees on each side of me, consuming me.

How did my life end up like this?

So fucked up?

Oh yeah! Now I remember!

Because my parents tell me to be myself when I was little, and when I grow up and be myself, they say I'm a lying little bitch.
what the hell?

Don't like me?!?

Good! I don't wake up every morning thinking of ways I can impress you. Or anyone on this planet for that matter!

I turn up the radio driving down the road to head to my new life.
Parent free. So not much is gonna change.

My mom is a workaholic and an alcoholic. My father was a junkie and an alcoholic as well.

I've got the scars to prove it.

I wipe the depressed thoughts out of my mind.

My name's Rayne Murphy. I'm currently 17 years old and am about to start a new life. Alone. And that's okay. Actually that's great.

I've been alone most my life. I can continue on just fine.

I stick my hand out the window and my long brown highlighted hair waves behind me.

I thought I seen something move by the sign that says "Welcome to Arden Pines!"

I looked there for a minute but didn't see anything. Weird.

I kept driving, seeing very few houses. I finally started seeing some cafes and small shops. I listened to my GPS, to tell me where I'd be hiding from my evil so called parents.

I finally reached the house. Not even gonna lie. It was so cute.

I think I just cringed at my own thoughts. God help me.

It was white with a large porch stretched across the front of the house coming out with the roof coming out atop of it. It has a railing going around with posts connecting the porch to the railing. There was a screen door on the far right and a long window on the left. It has about three concrete steps going up. It also had a one car garage off to the side.

My favorite part of the whole thing, was the porch swing. Not even gonna lie. It needs some work, but it's pretty good.

I didn't have many personal items. I got out the car and walked around to look at my new escape.

Your probably wondering why, at the age of 17, I have a damn house.

Let me tell you.

My sister, Cassandra, is crazy and all but I love her. When she found out about my...Situation, she, her husband, my two brothers, my other sister, and a guy who I'm not really related to but we've always considered him family, scratched up some money and got me a house far away. My parents didn't care so I left. Then, with everything they had left, they gave to me, knowing I didn't have many personal items, and told me to by furniture, clothes, and anything else I wanted. She put the house in her name, but will be signed over to me on my 18th birthday.

I walked into my home looking around. I entered the living room. It was big and there was a bar separating the living room from the dining room. I walked in the dining room. It was big, with sliding doors on the far wall leading to a large wood porch. And I mean huge.

I slid the doors open and took a step out. There were two sets of stairs on either side of the porch, with a railing going around. There was a large picket fence going around the back yard.

I turned around and walked back in, heading to the kitchen.

It already had a fridge, thankfully. The counters stretched on one side of the kitchen. There was a dishwasher. A stove to the right of the door entry. I noticed a door at the end of the counter on the left, with just a little more space behind it.

I smiled and headed up stairs. There was a long hallway. The first door was to my right. I opened the door to look in and seen a nice bathroom. A sink and mirror to the right. A shower, with glass windows all the way around, in the back left corner. A toilet to the far left corner.

I walk to the next door just a little further up on the left. I walked in a master bedroom. There were two doors. One was to the right of the doorway, not in the center of the wall. It was more towards me. I walked in and it was an on sweet. I walked back out noticing a window with a padded seat in front of it, with drawers on the bottom. Like a reading nook, but next to a window.

I smiled at myself contently.

The other was a walk in closet, with shelves everywhere. The other door, on the right on the hall, was a spare room smaller than mine. It had a small closet and no on sweet.

Finally, just a big window at the end of the hall.

I walked back downstairs and sat on the stairs of my porch. I smiled at myself than... I realised that I have school tomorrow.


Thanks for reading my story.

Sorry if it's bad.

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