The Dream

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I lay on the my floor bed.
After that talk with Greyson, we sat on the ground and talked about random things.

When I realised it was getting dark, I asked if he minded if I went home. He wanted me to stay with him but I politely denied. After much debate, he took me home.

I check my phone and it says that it's 11:37. I sighed.

Getting up, I open my bedroom window, and get on the roof and sit down.

I continue to think about everything and how my life has just been flipped around.

I find myself staring at the moon. I've never known why but, I've always been drawn to nature and the moon.

After heading back in my house I lay back down and slowly drift off into peaceful bliss.


"Stop! Get away from me!" I scream and pump my legs as fast as they can go while ducking under branches and jumping over fallen trees.

Tears stream down my face.

After hearing a scream I look back. It sounded as though it was out of frustration and not pain.

I trip over a root and do about 3 front rolls before I stop.

Laying on my back I look up. Hearing a snap, I look over.

As I look at a blurry, still, figure, my eyes begin to focus.

When my eyes focus, I see a girl my age with short beige hair. What stood out was one black strip of hair. She had eyes that looked like green emeralds. She glared at me and rose her hand.

Both of our heads snap over when we hear a noise from behind me.

We look over only to see a girl, around my age, with long black hair and purple eyes. And I mean her hair was long and black as midnight. Her eyes, that held the Alexander Gene, were a light shade of purple.

"What are you doing here Jules?" The girl who was chasing me seethed.

"You can't hurt her. You know this. So just give up." Jules said.

"I can hurt her! So just go!"

"No you can't! Not only are you not capable, but shes related to the most powerful-" she was cut off.


It was my turn to yell, "Look, I don't even know what the hell I did! I don't even know what your talking about!" Standing up.

She laughs, "Oh, don't go playing little Miss Innocent."

"I'm really getting tired of this bull shit!" I yell.

Jules walk up, "Just leave her alone." She says to the girls who chased me.

"NO! This little bitch-" I didn't let her continue.

Instead, I tackled her to the ground. I punched her in the mouth. She suddenly punches me in the mouth. Than punches me once more on my cheek. She tries to punch me again but I grab her fist with my left and punch her with my right.

I punch her once more, hard, and she's out cold. I get up and see Jules. "Nice! Now come on let's go!" She grabs my hand and we run into the woods.


I sit up and look around. I'm still in my room.

What the hell was that dream about? I look on my phone and it reads 4:35.

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