Nothing Special

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Raynes POV

My eyes widened.

I'm a werewolf. His words continuously played in my mind.

"Please say something." He said. I don't even know this man, yet I'm in his house.

"W-What? No your not. Those things only exist in fairy tales and horror films." I said looking him in the eye.

"So you don't believe me?" He asked, looking at me with an expression I didn't know.

"No not exactly." I said looking away.

"Fine. Than I'll prove it."

"What? There's nothing to prove." I exclaim beginning to be fearful.

He stood up and yanked my hand. He basically dragged me out of the seat. He dragged me over to a pair of sliding doors and dragged me towards the woods.

"Come on, this is crazy, can we please go back in?" My pleads were being ignored.

We entered the woods. We didn't have to go pretty far inside the woods. On our way here you could see that his house was pretty remote from other houses.

"What the hell are you doing?!?" I yelled as he began to undress. I turned around.

"Don't wanna rip my clothes."

"What the hell do you mean?!?" I was going to continue but the painful sound of cracking bones immediately made me stop.

I stay turned around scared that if I turned around, one of two things were going to be seen.

Either, one, I'm going to see a guy on the ground dead. Or, two, I'm going to see a wolf. Only one of the two options were possible.

All of a sudden, I felt something nudge right around the upper curve, near my ribs, of my stomach.

I looked and seen a large black wolf with dark red streaks. It looked up at me with pleading yellow eyes.

I backed away slowly, earning a low growl from the wolf. I looked over to see clothes on the ground without a man to wear them.

I looked at the wolf who help his head low. A tear escapes my eye, and the wolf whimpers. I continue to back up slowly.

He takes a step forward, I take one back. I eventually hit a tree. A stream of tears flow down my cheeks.

I continue to stand. I'm about 5'5. The wolf is about 3 or 5 inches smaller than me. I squeeze my eyes shut. And look the other direction.

I feel something rub against my stomach. I look down to see the wolf's head in my stomach. He rubs my stomach. I began to giggle.

Sadly, I am the most ticklish person ever. He looks up at me and then does it again. I die of laughter. "Okay okay stop!" I say. He finally stops.

I bring my hand up and run my hair through his thick fur. He pushes into my hand and purrs. I giggle.

"What the hell?" I hear a man's voice in front of me. I look and see a muscular guy with a black V neck. He had dark red hair and looked pissed.

The wolf immediately turned around and growled. I looked at the guy and his eyes widened. The wolf was in a protective stance in front of me.

The man's eyes glazed over. What the hell? His eyes went back to normal. He looked at me with wide eyes. I'm so confused. "S-Sorry." He says before running off.

The wolf turns back around. And looked at me. I gave him a confused glance

He walked back over to his clothes and I immediately turned around. The familiar sound of bone cracking flooded my ears.

A couple of minutes later I pair of hands grab at my hips. I turn around and am met with him again.

He stares at me intensely. "So, your a wolf boy?" I decide to brake the silence.

He laughs "A werewolf." He corrects.

"So what happened with that guy, his eyes glazed over and something weird happened..." I ask trying to explain.

"I mind linked him because he shouldn't disrespect my mate." He said as he caressed my cheek. I gave him a come-again? look.

He grabbed ahold of my hand and was about to lead me towards the house. "Let's go inside Dove."

"C-Can we stay out here? I like it better." He started smiling like a retard.

"Yea." We sit and he explains. A lot.

So what I know is that he holds the highest part in the pack which is the Alpha, the leader. The lowest position is an Omega. When a wolfs eyes turn yellow it's because their wolf wants to surface. If they turn black, it's out of lust, which is normally directed towards there mate. Mind linking is when wolves used there minds to speak to one another. They can do this in either wolf or human form. Also that there wolves, kinda like little voices sorta, have lived many lives beforehand and still have many ahead.

Every full moon they do change, but to let there wolf have 100% control.

He smiled, "Does that make sense?" I nod and smile. "Any questions?" He asked. I nod.

"Yes, actually. What's a mate?" He smiled largely.

He grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers. "A mate is a certain person. They only come once in a wolfs life time. It's like the love of your life. And everything about your mate drives your wolf wild. The smell, look, actions, the list goes on forever." He looked at me the whole time he was explaining it.

I looked at him as well... until those last 2 sentence. Than I felt this warming sensation on my cheeks. It's very foreign and I have no clue what it means.

"But, because your my mate, you are apart of this pack. Do you know what your role is?" I shake my head no. "Your kinda like the female version of me. Your called the Luna and your ranking is equal to mine. You help me run the pack." He smiles.

My cheeks feel hotter. "Who chooses... who your mate is?" I ask.

"The moon Goddess." He answers while kissing my hand. I stare off blankly as my thoughts consume me. He releases my hand and caresses my cheek. "What's the matter?" He asked concerned.

"Just wondering why she put us as mates." I say.

"Do you not wanna be my mate?" His hand drops.

"No! It's not that it's just..."

"What?" Grabbing my hand again.

"I'm nothing special. I'm not even a werewolf! So it's just confusing." Shrugging.

He growls, "Don't ever say your not special again! You are special! And you are my mate!" He says just before kissing my forehead.


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