I Love You

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Raynes POV.

I woke up. Arms around me tightly. A warm, bare chest to my front. Looking up, I see Greyson.

Normally he's awake before me, but today he wasn't. He looks peaceful and relaxed.

The covers rest right above my waist. Slowly, I roll us over so he's on his back and I'm next to him.

He pulls me to him so I'm on his chest.

I lay my arm across his chest and rest my head on my arm. Bringing my arm up, I run my hand through his hair.

There's an audible pur that vibrates from his chest.

I rest my hand on his cheek and run my thumb along his bottom lip. He sighs. I reach my head up, and bring my lips to his.

Just a peck. As I was about to move away, his arms tightened around me and his lips moved against mine.

I pulled back.

He keeps his eyes close but he smirks. "I should start letting you wake up before me." I laugh. He opens his eye. "Morning beautiful."

"Morning handsome." I lay back down on his chest. He runs his fingers through my hair.

"How was you're meeting thingy?" I ask. He laughs.

"Stressful. But," he runs his hands down my back, "I think there's a few things you can do to help me release stress." I look up at him.

"You pervert." He smiles. His hand stops right above my ass. "Move your hand unless you wanna loose it." His hand goes back to my middle back.

"Come on, let's go make you something to eat." He says. We get up.

Just before I'm about to walk out, he comes up behind me and throws me over his shoulder.

"Greyson, I don't care that you've been gone, I will fight you and kick your ass." A chuckle vibrates through his chest.

"I don't like you." I say and he stops. He sets me back down. His eyes are watery.

"You don't mean that, do you?" I wrap my arms around his neck.

"Of course not." I kiss his jaw.

His arms finally wrap around me. "Good." He whispers. Then, he throws me over his shoulder..... Again.

"Ugh! You little wanker!" I yell. Chuckling, he runs down the stairs. Just as we got down there, the door opened and in came West and Matt.

"I have arrived!" West yells. I laugh.

Finally, Greyson sets me down. "Ass wad." I mumble.

"Rayne! Will you show me the fire fists." I laugh. " What?" He asks.

"Nothing." I say.

"What are you talking about?" Greyson asks from behind me.

"This thing I learned yesterday." Shrugging.

"Lemme see." He says.

"Umm, Otay." I clenched my fist, and think of anger just like before.

They ignite into flames. "Holy shit." He says

"Yerps." Suddenly, Tyler smacks both my hands. "Ouch you little bum hole!" I say.

"Ow!" He yelps and Greyson growls. I laugh.

"We went through this yesterday, West!" I claim and stop my hands. Immediately, I'm pulled into a chest. I bit Greysons collar bone.

"What the hell?" He exclaims. I shrug.

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