Furniture Shopping! Yay! 😒

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I went upstairs and changed into some ripped black jeans and white sneakers.

After that, I brushed my hair real quick, before going downstairs.

"You ready?" Greyson asks, smiling at me.

"Yea. I just need to grab my bank card." Remember how I said my family bought this house and gave me the left over money for furniture?

Well, it's on a bank card. I'm the only one with access to it, besides my sister.

"No you're not. I'm paying." He says.

I scoff, "No the hell you ain't."

"Really?" He asks, smirking.


"You asked for this, love." He said. I shot him a confused glance.

Before my mind could register anything, he ran to me and threw me over his shoulder.

He has a nice butt. Anyone have Holy Water? I could use some right now.

"Greyson! Put me down!" I Bellow.


I hit his back. Suddenly, the front door opens and slams shut as soon as I hit his back.

The lights flicker off.

Greyson put me down but held me close. One hand on my lower back, the other between my shoulder blades.

Matt comes up next to us. "You okay, Rayne?" I nod.

"Good. Can you turn the lights back on?" I shrug. "Will you try?" I nod. Suddenly, the lights come back on.

I look up at Greyson who's smiling down at me. "Good job baby." He kisses my forehead. "But we're still going and I'm still paying."

With that, he carries me bridal style to his car. West is already in the back, on his phone.

Matt hops in. (AN: Please keep in mind that the car their driving is only two doors, causing the people who sit in the back, to move the front seats. Thank you.)

Greyson climbs in and starts the car and starts it. He puts his hand on my thigh.

"Is it okay for me to be out?" I ask.

"Yea? What if she makes a couch explode?" West ask. I giggle.

"Well, seeing as you were marked, that may help to keep your magic under control." Matt replied.

"I just opened and slammed a door and I shut off the lights because I have a temper."

Greyson chuckles.

"Just stay calm. You can do it." Matt tries to reassure me. Greyson shoots me a reassuring smile and squeezes my thigh.

"Telling a girl to stay calm has never worked. But, whatever. I'll try." I sighed.

At the store

I hop out, and so do the boys.

"Okay," taking a deep breath, "Let's get this over with." Greyson chuckles and wraps his arm around.

We enter. "Well start with the living room." Greyson says.

"Hey guys." A man in his mid twenties, I think, greeted us. "Anything in particular I can help with?"

"Nah, were good on our own, thanks." I say. He smiles down at me.

"You sure? I mean, you know, I could always give you my number." He suggests.

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