Assumptions or Nah?

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I blushed slightly when he kissed my hand. Sparks flew threw me. 

"Ahem, yea, I'm gonna get changed. I've wore the same clothes for four days." I hopped up and grabbed some clothes. 

Heading into my bathroom, I get changed. I change into a black t-shirt, and a pair of shorts that reach a bit above my knee. I throw my hair up in a messy bun. A couple pieces of hair fall down my face.

Not caring anymore, I throw my clothes in my hamper, and walk out. As I walk out my eyes landed on Greyson and I almost killed him. I ran behind him and grabbed the back of his shirt pulling him away.

"What do you think you're doing!?" I command. He turns around, his eyes dark and chest heaving.

He dark black eyes look me in my thick chocolate ones. My eyes widened slightly and my heart was beating out of my chest. "Come. Here." He growls as I back away slowly.

Me being a bitch, I respond like one. "No. This is what you get for going through my bras." Crossing my arms over my chest.

He chuckles darkly. "You're gonna regret that Princess."

I cock my brow, "Oh, am I now?" I tease. He smirks.

Next thing I know, he's directly in front of me. I jump slightly. His eyes still dark, he stares at me.

Quickly, I turn around and run for the door. I don't even make it there before my hand is grabbed and yanked into a hard chest. I groan at impact. His hands snake around my waist. He growls lowly.

I turn around and through my arms around his neck, "I'm sorry for teasing!!! Please don't eat me!" He chuckles and puts his face in the crook of my neck.

(Greysons' POV.)

I chuckle and put my face in the crook of her neck.

'Mmm she smells so good. Our beautiful princess.' My wolf purrs.

I nip the skin on her neck. "Not funny." She says. I do it again. She huffs. Suddenly, her head turns to my neck and she nips my skin.

"Really?" I ask, backing up to look at her. She grins cheekily.

"We better go check on West. Make sure the moron hasn't died." She mumbled the last part.

Turning around, she heads for the door. I follow her and grab her hand. She looks up at me, but quickly looks away.

We make our way down stairs. We didn't see him in the living room, so we headed for the dining room. No. Then there was a noise from the kitchen. We head in there. We see West in the fridge. There were things of food behind him.

"Hey! I'm poor! Leave me some food!" Rayne says walking over to him. He pops his head out, with an apple hanging out of his mouth.

He takes it out, "Your boyfriend will buy you anything you want, so hush. Also, your cooking is really good. Which I wouldn't have thought that was possible considering you hardly have anything to cook with, and what you do have is shit."

"Oh!" She places her hand on her heart, "How sweet! You wanna see shit? Buy a mirror." She said enthusiastically but sarcastically.

"You're so mean!" He stands up and stomps his foot.

"And you're childish!" She shoots back.

"Bitch." West mumbles, causing me to growl slightly.




"Shit face!"

"Okay guys that's eno-" I start.

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