Laying and Latin

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I awoke with a jump. The same dream invading my sleep.

Placing my hand over my heart, I take a few deep breaths to calm myself.

I run my fingers through my hair. Throwing the blankets off, I get up.

My feet the black coloured rug that sits under his large king sized bed.

As I walk, my feet suddenly leave the rug and hit the dark wood floor.

Mmm, I mentally moaned at the cold floor in my feet.

Yea, cold. Like our heart. Or do we have one of those? What about or soul? Is that still here?

I roll my eyes and ignore the voice in my head. I have since age 12.

As I continue my way to the exit, the door suddenly opens on its own.

Holy shit, we did that, didn't we? What else can we do.

Not you, me. So shut the fuck up and leave me alone.

Oh sweetheart, we've all been together and one for six years. We're one and the powers come from me. Not that shit, Matt, pulled out his ass.


We're one, whatever I am, you are too! Don't raise your voice at me!!!

Suddenly my head hurt like hundreds of knives dived into my head.

Groaning, I fall to my knees, clutching my head. I take my hands away from my head and ball them in front of me.

Matt and West burst through the already open door and come to me.

I can hardly hear anything except faint profanities and worried questions.

Apologize and say I'm right!

Never bitch!

I use everything in me and block her out.

My head goes back to normal and I calm down slightly, but still pissed. Just a little.

My breathes come out harsh, fast, and uneven.

"Rayne, look at your hands." West says. I do and am so shocked.

When looking at my fists, you can see heat radiating off them.

Matt sighs. "You're only supposed to have slight headaches now. What was that?"

I shake my head, still examining my hands. "It wasn't the witch stuff."

"Then what?" He asks, confused on my sureness of the situation.

"Nothing. Don't wonder about it." I say as West puts his hand over my heating ones.

His hands hover above mine. "Holy shit this is so cool." West says.

"Come on let's go eat." I say. West eyes light up.

"Food! YASSSSSS!" He yells and darts out of the room.

I real the heat in when suddenly, West comes back in and throws me over his shoulder.

"Come on Rayne! We can't let Matt eat all the food." With that he runs and Matt chase's us.


"No! Stay out fatty!" I laugh as I hear West guard the kitchen while I cook.

Suddenly, theres a thud and looking over, I see the boys wrestling on the floor.

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