A Bad Dream and A Mark

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Greysons' POV.

Raynes sweaty head was rested on my chest. We were in her room on her 'bed.' She had just went through more pain. Instead of it being quick, it lasted 15 minutes. She was so tired, so we went to bed.

My mind, however, kept wondering to the mind blowing kiss we had shared 3 hours before. Best kiss ever.

She moved and cuddled more in to me. I had one hand rested on her back and my other reached over to play with her hair.

I swept it over to fall down on one side. Suddenly, her collar bone was exposed. I took my fingers and glided them across the place I would eventually mark her. Suddenly, she let out a breathy moan.

Her heart beat was still even and I knew she was still asleep. I moved my fingers again. This time they went up her neck, and traced her lips.

I let my hand fall again to her back. I shifted a little.

'How can she sleep on this floor?' I asked myself.

'Technically, she's sleeping on us.' Xander replied.

'I'm buying her a bed tomorrow.'

'Good, maybe we can buy her some furniture as well. I don't want our princess sleeping on the floor or not having what she needs.'

'I know. But we both know she's going to argue with us about it.'

'Well, just do it now, then tell her.'

'What if she doesn't like what we order?' he stayed silent. 'We'll have to ask her.'

'And, if she doesn't want you to?'

'Then she's gonna suck it up.'


Suddenly, her breathing hitches and her heart beat increases intensely. Looking down at her, I see her begin to move. One of her hands on my chest fists. Her eyebrows furrow and she behind to pull me to her.

I turn and touch her cheek. Her arm wraps around my waist and hugs me tightly. Her face goes into my chest. I back up look at her and tears run down her cheek.

She shakes her head no, and begins mumbling my name. Her tears come heavier and she keeps pulling me towards her. She chokes on a sob and says my name again.

"Rayne. Wake up." I say urgently. She continues to cry and say no and my name. I hover over her, "Rayne! Wake up baby!" Suddenly her eyes flash open and flash red. Her eyes find mine in the dark and they go back to normal.

She tackles me and I roll over. She straddles my waist and lays on me. I run my hands up her sides.

"Oh God, Greyson." She cries.

"What's the matter baby?" I ask softly.

She shook her head, "Nothing. I just need you right now." She said.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Nothing. Just a bad dream." She mumbled.

"You were mumbling my name." I say lowly at the thought of what she could've dreamed about. Did she think I hurt her? Or did something without her consent???

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to."

"What happened." It wasn't a question. It was a demand. A demand for her to tell me exactly what happened.

"Y-You died." She cried a little more. I turned on my side - even though I loved that position - and looked at her. I wiped away the tears.

"Do you wanna tell me what happened?"

She looked down, "You were trying to protect me from these three girls. You had pushed me behind you in order to protect me. T-Then, they threw a dagger that hit you in the heart. You fell, and told me Y-You l-loved me and d-didn't know what Y-You would've done without me. I kissed you a lot wanting you to stay with me. Then, I-I-I couldn't feel t-the Sparks." She sobbed. "It felt like someone had reached into my chest and pulled my heart out."

I pulled her into my chest. "I'm not going anywhere."

"You better not or I swear to God, when I see you in the afterlife I'm kicking your ass!" I chuckle.

She backed away and grabbed my face. She pulled it down to hers and she kissed me. Nice and slow. We kissed like we had all the time in the world.

My arms wrapped around her. I slipped my hand under the back of her shirt and rubbed her back. Her hands were Tangled in my hair.

I pulled back and kissed her jaw. I traveled down her neck. Nipping and licking along the way. She let out soft moans. I kissed her collar bone and then we're im supposed to mark her. I sucked on it. She arched her back and moaned.

"Greyson." She moaned. I growled lightly. Finally, I backed away slightly then licked over it. "Why does that feel so much better than anywhere else?" She asked breathlessly.

Backing up, I rubbed the spot, "Because that's where I'm supposed to mark you." She looked at me confused, "A mark is where I mark you and that let's every werewolf know that your mine."

She looked at me, "Does it hurt?"

"At first. But then it's pleasuring. It also makes our bond stronger." I say, still touching it.

"Do it." She said softly.

"What?" Disbelief.

"Do it. Mark me. Make me yours. All yours" she said and reached an arm around my neck.

I growled, "You don't know what your asking for." Clenching my eyes shut.

"Don't tell me what I do and don't know." She flips me over and straddles me. "We're mates right? As in, me and you forever?" Growling slightly in joy of the though, I nodded. "I know I want to be with you forever. Do you want to be with me forever?"

I grab her cheek and rub my thumb over it, "More than my next breath." She bit her lip and I could hear her heart speed up.

"Then do it. Make me yours forever. I don't want anyone other than you. And that's never happened before. So get used to it, and mark me."

I quickly flipped her over. My eyebrows furrowed. "Are you sure?" She nodded.

"Please." She begged.

I sit up and place her on my lap and she straddles me. I brush her hair to one side and move her sleeve to the side, exposing her right shoulder fully.

I look up to her worriedly. "After I do this, there's no going back. It's with you forever." I say.

"Are you going to be with me?" She asks.

"No one will stop me." I say.

"Then do it."

I move her head giving me better access. I lower my head and inhale her scent.

'Yes finally!' Xander yells.

My lips linger on the spot. "Ready?" I mumbled.

"Yes." She mumbles. Her heart beat is so fast.

With that, I elongate my canines and sink into her shin.



Hope you enjoyed this chapter!!!

Don't forget to check out my other story, The Protective Gang Leaders Princess.

Thank you!!!!



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