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His eyes weren't glowing. They were just pure gold.

It was scaring me, so I tried to back away. Still staring at me he pulls me back to him and turn on his side. Both arms wrapped around me. I melt into him because my body is a traitor.

"Greyson. Please let me go." I say calmly.

"It's not Greyson."  Not Greyson informs me.

I laugh lightly. I back my head up and place my hand on his cheek. "You feeling okay?" I ask. He chuckles.

"You are truly adorable, little mate." He smiles down at me.

"Okay, look," I flip him back over, so my legs are on either side of his hips. I lean down to him. "You may be a freaking giant, but you can't just call me little. Even though next to you, I look like a little white Smurf" I glare at him.

He chuckles, and places his hands on my hips. I tense and he notices. He removed his hands. Taking a deep breath, I grab his hands and place them back on my hips.

"So, if you're not Greyson, then who are you?" I ask, playing with his shirt.

"Xander." He responds, using his thumbs to draw circles in my hips.

"Say who now?" Arching my brow.

"Xander. Greysons' wolf." Calmly.

"Oh," shocked, "okay then."

"You okay?" He asks. Bitting my lip, I nod. He growls lightly. "The only one bitting that lip, should be me."

I immediately remove my teeth from my lip. He lifts his hand, grabs my cheek, and runs his thumb over my bottom lip. The tingling on my lip causes me to moan and close my eyes.

In a swift motion, I'm on the bottom and he hovers over me. "Can I kiss you?" He asks.

My eyes widened, "Wha- no!" His brows furrowed.

"Why not?" Sounding baffled and slightly hurt.

"Because I said so!"

"Oh little mate, if only you knew that pleasure I could bring you." I blush furiously and bring my arms up to my face to hide it.

He takes my hands away, and kisses my cheek. His lips linger before moving to my jaw. Then to the corner of my mouth. I gulp and close my eyes.

He then kisses my other cheek. Then my jaw again. Then the corner of my mouth again. His lips linger. He begins to rise his head.

I immediately grab his cheeks and crash our lips together.

I swear, fireworks exploded. My hands traveled to the back of his neck. He pulled back to a sitting position and dragging me with him.

Straddling his waist, he grabs my hips. His head is bent back and our bodies flush against each other. I pull on his hair lightly and he groans slightly. His tongue​ glides against my lower lip asking for premission to enter. I deny.

He slaps my ass. I take a sharp intake of breath but still don't let him. He groans and pulls away.

"Baby girl, open." He says before kissing me again and asking for premission.

Which I deny again.  He growls. He takes my bottom lip and sucks on it. "Open" he demands sternly. I open and his tongue slide in my mouth.

Our tounges skim each other's and I moan. Our tounges fight for dominance. I put up a fight. I'm not one to just submit. If he thought that he was certainly wrong.

He smiles as we continue to make out. His hands travel up my sides.

Xander's POV.

My mate was certainly strong headed. Even after I slapped her ass, she still wouldn't let my tongue enter. And when we were fighting for dominance, she would not back down. I finally won. She would challenge me every now and again.

She pulled away breathing heavy, and I tried to push her into me again, but she places her little hands on my chest and shook her head. I whimpered.

"I'm not a werewolf...... I need to breath......... But damn that was an amazing first kiss." Chuckling to herself.

My eyes widened, "That was your first kiss?!?!" She nods sheepishly. "Could've fooled me." I mumbled. Laughing she pushed my shoulder.

"Ass." She said, breathy. I smiled at her. She then grabbed my chin and kissed me gently. I returned it, leaning into her. She broke away and rested my forehead on hers. I wrapped my arms around her waist.

Her arms went around my neck. "Promise me something." She mumbled.

I opened my eyes, "Anything." She looked into my eyes.

"Please," a tear rolled down her cheek, and what she said next completely broke my heart. "Don't hurt or leave me." A few more tears. She bit her lip and shut her eyes tight. "Please. I couldn't handle it." She chocked on a sob and shook her head.

I pressed her into me. "I could never hurt you." She put her face in the crook of my neck. I leaned my head on to hers. "Never. And never will I leave you." We sat like that for a few. And as much as she tried to hide it, I knew she was still crying.

She backed away and wiped her eyes, "Im so sorry. I shouldn't have done that." She looked down at her hands. Before I could say anything, I felt Greyson tugging at the back of my mind to take over.

I didn't want him to, but he said he missed Rayne.

Sighing, I looked at Rayne. "Hey beautiful, Greyson wants control back." I kissed her softly. "See you later, ya?" She nods.

"Ya." I give Greyson back control.

Rayne's POV.

I watch as he shuts his eyes. They suddenly open and are back to the beautiful blue ones. I smile brightly.

"I've missed you." He says softly, tightening his hold on me.

"First of all, you were gone for twenty minutes. And secondly, weren't you still, kinda, there?"

"Yes, but I didn't have control. So I couldn't do this." Before I could ask what he meant, his lips crashed onto mine.

We move slowly, and my hands cup his cheeks.

I could so get used to this.

Well damn wasn't that hot?


Hey guys!

Here's another update.

Hope you enjoyed it.

It's early because I just found out some devastating news, and I'm beyond pissed. But I don't show it, so I had to loose my self in my words.

I swear, I hate most people in my family. They're so two faced!!!

Anyways, read my new story, The Possessive Gang Leaders Princess.

It's about a girl who becomes a Street Fighter in New York City and let's just say, shit happens! It would mean the world if you'd check it out!!!!

Well, that's it.



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