I dont know what to name this chapter

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My senses came to life but I didn't want to get up yet. Taking a deep breath, I snuggle more into my pillow. 

The pillow was unusually warm and smelled really good. "Mmm. Best pillow ever." I murmur. Suddenly, a hand runs up and down my back.

"Last I checked, I'm not a pillow, il mio amore." I heard Greyson speak up. (my love)

I looked up at him quizzically. "Puoi parlare italiano?" (You can speak Italian?)

He smiles down at me, "Insieme a molte altre lingue." (Along with many other languages.)

"Cool." Snuggling back into him and shutting my eyes. "What year is it?"

"Uhh, 2017?" Greyson answers.



"Day of the week?"



"Uhh, not sure. Why?"

"Just making sure I didn't sleep for too long."

"Weirdo" Greyson says chuckling.

"Mmm. Possibly." There was silence for a while. Maybe five or ten minutes. Greyson still had his hand running up and down my back, leaving a trail of shocks and fire behind. "I need to go home."

He growls and wraps his arm around my waist tightly. "No."

"Why?" Looking up at him, slightly pissed.

"Because I said so. Plus, your house is probably burnt to the ground." He States matter-of-factly.

"Hm. Thanks for the positivity about where my things are and where I live." Rolling my eyes.

"Sorry. It's just that when I went there for you, there was a ring of fire." His grip loosening around me.

"Well, let's go see. It could've been some witchy fire that didn't burn my house down."

He looks down at me, "No."

"And why not grumpy ass?" 

"Because I-" he started.

"Look, you can be the all mighty Alpha all ya want to. But see, you're not bossing me around. What I said was a simple invitation. Wether you come along or not is solely on you." With that I got up and off the bed.

"Ugh. Fine! Im coming with you." He said and got up.

Smiling, I walked out of the door. I was a few steps down the hall. There was a closing door and I could hear him jog up next to me. He grips my hand and intertwines our fingers.

We walk down a flight of stairs that enter into a living room. There were a few guys joking around and laughing. As we entered it calmed and eyes were on us. Well, more so on our hands.

They bowed they're heads slightly, "Alpha." They said, not in unison, but whateves. 

Greyson nodded, "Boys."

 Out of the group of men I seen West. I smiled at him, "What's up wolf boy?"

He returned the smile, "Nothing much mean Witch girl." I rolled my eyes. "You?"

Me and Greyson walked around the couch, "Alpha boy and I are gonna go check out my house."

"Really? 'Alpha Boy'?" Greyson asked. I nodded up at him, smiling.

West jumped over the couch, "I wanna go see your evil layer!"

"Bruh." Is all I say. Greyson chuckles. "Assholes." I murmur, letting go of Greysons hand. He swiftly wraps it around my waist.

Greyson grabs his keys while me and West follow him. We walk out to the garage. As soon as he turns on the lights I almost died.

A black 1978 Pontiac Firebird Trans AM. That was one of the many cars there.

"Dear Lord sweet baby Jesus!!!" I ran straight to the car

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"Dear Lord sweet baby Jesus!!!" I ran straight to the car. 

"Please tell me how the fuck you have a 1978 Pontiac Firebird Trans AM?!" I ask, brushing my fingertips on the hood of the car. They chuckle. Looking back at them I glare, "I'm dead fucking serious." 

"Didn't know you were into cars." Greyson says coming up behind me.

West had already hopped in, so I ran over to the passenger side and open the door and hop in. Greyson slides in beside me. He starts up the car. 

I melt, "Oh Jesus help me." Greyson laughs. West pokes his head through the gap of the two front seats. 

"If you think you know so much about this type of car, than what type of engine does it have?" Cocking an eyebrow.

"The 1967 model Firebird came equipped with the Chevrolet 230 cu in (3.8 L) SOHC inline-six. Fitted with a single-barrel carburetor, it was rated at 165 hp (123 kW). Also known as the "Sprint".But, the 230 CID engines were subsequently replaced in 1968 by the Chevrolet 250 cu in (4.1 L) stroked 230 CI engines, the first developing an increased 175 hp (130 kW) using a single-barrel carburetor, and the other the same 215hp with a four-barrel carburetor." I respond simply crossing my arms over my chest.

They're jaws were dropped. "I honestly have no idea if that's right. Greyson?" We looked at Greyson. 

He rubbed the back of his neck. "That's right to a T."

Smiling, "I don't think the car is gonna drive off of your guy's ignorance. Or at least not off of West's" Greyson laughs and West grumbles about how mean I am.

Finally, Greyson puts the car in reverse. He pulls out of the garage and begins to drive down his long driveway. Suddenly, he places his hand on my thigh. Even though I'm slightly uncomfortable, I let it slide. Thankfully, he was just above my knee and no higher.

"Eww!!! You guys are so nasty!!!" West complains.

Greyson growls and I snicker. "If I want to touch my mate, I can touch my damn mate!" Greyson roars causing me to flinch. His nails elongate and peirce the skin of my thigh. I also noticed that his knuckles were white and his eyes were black.

I run my hand along his upper arm, "Calm down, he was just being an immature weirdo like always." He looks at me and his eyes soften but are still black. Thinking quickly, I lean over the arm rest and lay on his arm. 

His hand loosens on the steering wheel and his nails went back to normal. Then, his hands ran up and down my lower thigh. He sighs.

Hey guys!!!

Hope you liked this chapter!

Be a Smurf.

Byeeee! XP

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