Kidnapped. Well, Kinda

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So here's the thing.

I don't like being touched. Yes Jasmine has grabbed my arm once or twice. But she's short. And its mainly the male gender that I don't like being touched by. Preferably, I'd rather just not being touched period.

As soon as he touched me, I won't even lie, I felt Sparks and all that corny shit.

Greyson POV.

She was over there laughing with her friends.
I'm so happy I finally found my mate! And she's so beautiful.

She looks up at me. Thanks to my wolf hearing, I can hear her speak to her friends saying to hold on.

She walks over to me. "Look you've been staring at me constantly, and it's pissing me off. Instead of growing some balls and walking over to me, you decide to act like a hoe who didn't bring her psycho pimp enough money. Wanna explain?" I hear her angelic voice.

I grab her and pull her to me, one hand around the back of her and one on her hip. I put my face in the crook of her neck, "Your mine." I whisper.

She freezes and I can hear her heartbeat speed up. She starts shaking a lot. I back up and cup her cheek, her eyes squeezed shut.

"Hey, what's wrong baby?" I caress her cheek with my thumb.

No answer.

"Babygirl what's the matter?" I'm getting frustrated that I can't help her.

A tear escapes her eye. Her hand quickly comes up to wipe it away, "Nothing." She says and puts on a fake smile. She looks down at her hands.

She looks back up at me, "Look, I've gotta-"

I quickly cut her off, "Will you go somewhere with me?"

"Wha- no." She says trying to remain calm.

I shove my hands in my pocket, "Why not?" My eyebrows furrowed.

"Because I don't know you. For fuck sake, you could be an axe murder." I laugh.

"I'm not an axe murder. Come on."

"What. No w-" before she could finish I picked her up and threw her over my shoulder. "Bruh. What the hell?"

I chuckle, "Bruh? Really?"

"Yes really you weirdo. I swear if you don't put me down, I'll yell rape." I laugh at her threat. "Why are you laughing?" I open up the back car door and put her in the backseat.

I kiss her cheek. "Dude! What the fuck?!?" I close the car door, and climb in the front seat. She puts her head between the seats and looks at me, "You really know how to treat a girl." She raised her eyebrow.

"Yes I do." I look into her captivating brown eyes.

"Arrrggghhhh!" She yells out in frustration.

I start the car and drive to my house.

~~~~~~~~~10 minutes later~~~~~~~~

"So we're finally at the place we're you gonna lock me in your basement and murder me with your axe?" She asks.

I turn back and look at her, "I would never, hurt you."

She looks away, "Nice house." She says and looks at my really big house. Well not mine but my packs.

"Thanks." I responded before parking. I get out and open her door she jumps out.

"So, if I run that way," she points to the left, towards the woods, "would you chase me?"

Alphas Badass Angel Where stories live. Discover now