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My thought continued to control my mind. Suddenly I'm being shakes and I look up to see, a still bare chested, worried Greyson.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

I fake a smile and nod, "Yea I'm fine."

FINE Definition

F- Faking smiles
I- Insecure
N- Numb to everything
E- Emotionally unstable

At least I'm not lying.

He opens his mouth to say something, but the crazy people, in which I met yesterday, come over. "Hey, Rayne, can we talk to you for a second?" Jasmine asks.

"Umm, sure." I say. Greyson hold on me loosens and I walk over to them. They grab me by my arm and yank me to the other side of the parking lot.

They throw me in the middle and they gather around me.

"How the hell did you do that?!?" Mikayla practically whisper yells. If that's a thing.

I quickly steal a glance at Greyson, who's gathered by his friends or pack members. I don't know! He looks at me, and I know he listening.

Oh god! This is about to be embarrassing. "What are you talking about?" I say focusing my attention to them.

"Ugh! You've been here two days and this is the second guy who talks to you." Emma whisper yells as well.

Greyson isn't looking at me, but at the ground, and looks pissed. I slowly nod, "Have you never talked to the opposite sex?" They roll there eyes.

He's not looking at me but is smirking.

"First, you got the guy who talks only to very certain people. On your first day!" Kiana yells.

"Then you're showing up with 22 year old Greyson motherfucking Kings arm around your waist!" Mikayla quickly adds.

Jasmine pleads, "Teach us you're ways!"

I shoot a glance at Greyson who's now full on smirking and looking at me.

Looking away, the girls had followed my gaze and noticed who I was staring at.

"Great! Now you two are eye-fucking each other." Kiana says with a huff.

I roll my eyes, and Greyson was holding in a laugh.

"Maybe we should get to class!" I say and walk off.

Just before we walk in the doors, I'm grabbed by my waist, and am pulled away. Then I'm pressed against a chest. "Hi."

I automatically know the voice. I look up and see Greyson. "Bye." I say simply. And try to push him away.

"That's not gonna work." He says smirking.

I roll me eyes. Someone clears there throat behind us and I look away to see the girls.  I smirk.

"I've gotta go." I say looking back at him. He suddenly smirks and I know he's up to something.

He suddenly grabs me by my chin and makes me look at him. Still smirking. Slowly he kisses my cheek. And....

Bites my earlobe. That asshole!

"Bye." He says and walks away.

Slowly I turn around and all of there jaws drop.  I walk over to them. "I think I just seen porn for the first time." Jasmine says looking down at the ground.

We all start laughing before heading off to class.

Like yesterday, i got in trouble in science because me and Jasmine were talking. I met again with West and now here we sit in the back of math.

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