The Talk

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We had made our way to his room. There was a large wooden door. He opened the door for me, and I entered.

There were grey walls everywhere. Directly in front of the door, there was a king sized bed. To the left there was a fireplace with two doors on each side. And to the right, there was a dresser, desk, and a T.V.

"Holy shit." I say. Greyson laughs behind me. "Sorry, didn't mean to say that aloud."

"It's okay." He placed his hand on my lower back. We walk in and he shut's the door behind us.

I cross my arms over my chest. "Oh, I get it. Grey walls, Greyson." I nod. He laughs. 

He walks up to me, wraps his arm's around my waist and look's down at me, smiling.

"So, why'd you ignore me for three day's?" He asks.

I groan and turn around, "You sure know how to ruin a moment." walking away.

"We could've had many moment's if you wouldn't have ignored me." Sighing. "So, why?"

Sighing, "I went momentarily deaf."

"Seriously? Do you really think I'm going to believe that?" 

I turn around to him, "Yes?" He gives me a look, "Fine! Gosh." Turning back around.

"Well?" He says.

"Do I have to answer?" 

"Yes, so I know what I did." Sternly.

"But that's the thing, you didn't do anything." Turning back to him. He gave me a confused glance. "Well- I'm, sorta, kinda," I stop, look down and bite my lip.

He comes up to me. I was right by the bed. He puts a finger under my chin and I look up at him. "Tell me."

"I was scared." I say quietly, looking away.

"Of me?" Sounding scared and hurt.

"No! Well, not you, more of, what you do..." I look away.

"What?! What do I do?!" Placing a hand on my cheek and one on my hip.

"It's just... what you do to me." Looking him in the eye.

"What?" He asks, confused.

"You give me a foriegn feeling. Like, shock's and butterflies. And I'm pretty sure I've never blushed around anyone, ever. And, the day that me and you were talking by my bike, well, can't even lie, I wanted  to kiss your dumb ass so bad, and it scared the shit out of me. So I thought if I left you alone, and didn't talk to you, then it would stop. It did, but every time you came up to me, I just wanted to hug you and not let go." I finish, looking at the ground.

"Hey, look at me." I look up at him. "Don't ever ignore me again. I thought I did something wrong. Don't do that ever again. I don't care if someone threatens me and blackmails you telling you if you don't ignore me that they'll kill me." He backs us up, "You will talk to me. You will let me take care of you. You will let me help you. You will let me spoil your ass rotten." My back hit a wall. His body flush against mine. One hand holding my hands above my head. The other traveling up and down my side. "And your sure as hell, going to let me love you. Got it?"

I nod the best I can with all the shocks going down my arm and traveling down my body.

He dips his head down to my neck. He take the skin at the nape of my neck between his teeth. I bite my lip. He continues to kiss down my neck and over my shoulder. His kisses travel back to my collar bone at my nape and base of my neck. A moan escapes my mouth. "Ohh God." He sucks on that part of my neck. I arch my back. 

Finally, he lets go of my hands. Mine drop to the back of his neck. His go up and down the sides of my body. I tug at the hair on the nape of his neck. He grunts. "Greyson." I say faintly. "S-stop." He growls. 

"Let me love you." He says and continues his assault.

"Y-You're going t-to give me a h-hickey." Arching my back. 

"To late." He responds. 

"You a-ass."

He chuckle and continues to do what he was doing. He takes his hands and places them under my thighs. He lifts me up and my legs wrap around him. His.... um..... friend, pokes my inner thigh.

Suddenly, the fire place burst up into flames. Greyson's hold on me tightened. He looked at the fireplace and at me.

"What?" I ask as he stares at me.

"Did you do that?" He asks.

"I'm over here with you. What do you think?" 

"I think I know what going on with you and with what happened the other night."



This episode was, uh, rather iniresting, wouldn't you say?

Anyways, thanks for reading and for 300+ reads!

Have an awesome day or night or whatever!

Make out.

I need help. And Jesus. 

Anyways, duces!!!

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