Come Again?

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Greyson grabs my hand and drags me out of his room. "Greyson! Slow down!" He just runs faster. 

We enter the living room. "West! Wheres Matt?!?" West shoots up from his spot on the couch.

"I don't know. Mind-link him. What's going on?" Greysons' eyes glaze over. West looks at me with an expecting look. 

I shrug, "The fireplace went up in flame and he went nuts."

"Come on." Greyson says and tugs me again practically running. West follows us.

We continue to run. We go up some stairs and enter a room. It looked like a library. The walls were brown. There were a couple of chairs in the middle. On the walls there were a few bookshelves.

"Matt!" Greyson hollers.

"Yes, Alpha Greyson?" Matt says coming up to us.

"Okay, so what happened the other night, what do you think about it?" Greyson asks.

Matt looks at me. Greyson growls and put's me behind him. I roll my eyes and place my hand on his upper arm which was holding my hand. I never realized he had tattoos.

"Anyways," Matt starts, "the event's were similar to only one event years ago. It's never been done before. Except for one witch..."

"Hold up! Are you comparing me to a fucking witch?" I ask, walking slightly around Greyson.

"Hold on." Matt says before walking away. He comes back shortly after with a candle. "Try and light it."

I arch my eyebrow "Come again?" They chuckle.

"Just imagine it. Concentrate." Matt says. 

"Umm, okay?" I say.

I take a deep breath and concentrate. 

Fire is light.
Fire burns.
Fire is what I feel when Greyson touches me.

Suddenly the candle lights. I jump back slightly. "Holy shit." They chuckle. I squeeze Greyson's hand. 

"See. Now, try and put it out." Matt says. I nod.

Without fire, there's dark.
Without fire, I stand alone.
Without fire, I wouldn't be able to feel Greyson's touch.

The flame's out and the smell that I've always loved, fills the air.

I just stared blankly. 

"See? You're already a natural." Matt says.

Greyson growls and put me behind him, still not letting go of my hand. 

I place my hand on his back, "Knock it off." He calms slightly.

"Thank you Matt." Greyson says.

"No problem, Alpha Greyson." Matt says before leaving, to resume whatever it was that he was doing before we had came.

"Come on, lets go." Greyson says. He turns around and smiles down at me. We walk out 

West comes up beside me and drapes an arm over my shoulder. "So, how you feel being Supernatural and all?"

Greyson growls loudly at his arm over my shoulders. I jump and West removes his arm. Greyson puts his arm in the same place West was.

"Okay then." West says. I look up at Greyson, he smirks down at me. "You guys are nasty." I roll my eyes.

"Shut up wolf boy." I say. Greyson chuckle.

"That really hurt Rayne." West says sarcastically.

"Mission accomplished." I respond.

They laugh. "If you're gonna be mean witch girl, than I'm gonna leave."


He rolls his eyes but leaves. 

"Welcome to the club." Greyson says as we enter his room.

"What?" Laughing a little.

"To the 'supernatural club'." Greyson says pulling my back to his chest.

"You watch Supernatural to?" I ask looking up at him.

He laughs and shakes his head. "I give up."

"Well that's to bad. Thought you were stronger than that." I say walking away.

"Of course I'm strong babe." 

"Mmhm." I say and flop on the bed, my feet dangling off the end.

He comes up and leans against one of the poles.

"How many days was I out for?" staring at the ceiling.

"Three." he responds lowly.

I look at him. "Are you okay?" I ask.

He come up to me and lays next to me. He's on his side, supporting himself on his elbow. He picks up my hand and kisses my hand. "I am now. But those three days..." he shook his head, "Were the longest and worst three days of my life. You scared the shit out of me. I laid with you everyday. I didn't let go of your hand. But, I didn't feel the electrical shocks. Like this," he runs his finger tips up my inner arm. "it's my wolfs high. They're not the strongest thing but, I love them."

He looks up at me with watery eyes. "I thought you were gone. I thought I would never feel these again." I wrap my hands around his neck, he shoves his face in the crook of my neck and wraps his arms around my waist. "I can't loose you. You're my world. My queen. My angle. And our pack's Luna." 

Backing up he looks at me. He kisses my forehead. "Lets take a nap. Okay?"

With that, I curl under him. I don't know why, but I put my leg over his hip. He chuckles. I put my face in his chest, "You smell good." I say.

He laughs. "So do you. Just another high you give us." He says and shoves his face in my hair.


Well shit just got real, like damnnnnn!

Hope you have a great day! Or night! Whenever.

Again, thanks for the 300+ ready. You guys are fucking awesome! XP



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