The plan

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Yes, I know, authors notes are at the end, in my case, normally.

And sorry I didn't update. There some, uhh, family issues going on right now.

Enjoy this chapter!


I threw my helmet on. Than I swung my leg over the bike and started the engine.

The mirrors on the side of my bike showed me a slick, black truck. I seen Greyson in the drivers seat, and a few unfamiliar people.

I revved the bike before letting it go. I heard the car behind me. I stopped at the exit, putting my foot down so I don't fall. Looking both ways, I find a hole and go.

Looking back I see Greyson turning so he's behind me.

I drove down the road. Turned when needed and all that.

********** At Raynes House*********

I took off my helmet and got off the bike. I heard a door slam. Turning my head, I see Greyson walking towards me.

No one else got out though.

He walked over to me. I just leaned on my bike.

Standing in front of me. "Don't think I forgot about your knuckles. So?" Raising an eyebrow and crossing his arms.

I rolled my eyes, "Already told you. Punched a wall." Crossing my arms as he did.

"Are you always this hard headed?" He asked sternly.

I nod and he just chuckled. 

Finally, he just sighed. "Guess I'll  just have to get used to it." 

"You're saying that as though you're sticking around." I respond teasingly, cocking an eyebrow.

"Oh, believe me, I am." He says smiling.

"Well..." taking a step forward, "who says I am?" I say staring up at him seeing as he's extremely tall.

His face falls so slightly to a more a stern look. "You're staying. Here, with me. I'll make sure of it." Wrapping an arm around my waist, closing the little bit of space that had existed just existed moments before. 

I roll my eyes, like I haven't heard that one before. I push him off of me. He take's a step back. 

"Uhh, look I gotta go." I say avoiding eye contact.

"Okay," He says, coming up to me, kissing the top of my head, "Bye beautiful. See you tomorrow."

"Bye." smiling slightly, walking around and away from him to my house.

I jog up the stairs and enter my house. 

Shutting the door, I go upstairs and sit down in the little nook by my window and had a conversation with myself.

What the hell, Rayne?!?!

What the fuck was that? You let him get close. TOO! FUCKING! CLOSE! RAYNE!


I THOUGHT WE LEARNED! Maybe we have, but, this whole, wolf, thing, is fucking it all up.

Maybe we should just avoid him? You, know what, yea.

Minimize conversation.

Minimize physical contact.

Minimize eye contact.


So that's what I'll do. Just avoid him.


Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed this long overdue chapter!

Have a great weekend!

Make sure to check out my other story "Alpha And Omega"


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