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I exited the office and went to gather my things, in deep thought.

"Hey Rayne, what the matter?" I looked up to see West walking towards me.

"Nothing. I'm fine." I say and smile.

"Where you headed?" He asked, now walking beside me.

"Umm, FACS classroom. I kinda got in trouble last period." Looking at the ground.

He laughs. "Again? What'd you do?"

"Ahem, kinda started a paint war." He laughs.

"Seriously?" I nod. "That's epic."

I walk in the class and grab my things. Suddenly, I feel a stinging pain on my knuckles and wince. I choose to ignore it.

"What's the matter?" He asks.

"Nothing." I say and smile hoping he doesn't notice my knuckles.

He looks directly at my knuckles and doesn't notice anything. Weird.

We head to the cafeteria for lunch. We laugh and talk a lot. It was quite a lot of fun.

When lunch was over, the day went by quickly. I normally sat in the back.

Now it's time for detention.

The teacher sets us at two different sides of the room. I'm in the front corner and he's in the back.

We couldn't do anything but sit there. The teacher glared at us.

Finally she turned around. I got up and hopped on my chair quietly. West looked at me jaw dropped. I flipped her off with one hand. West was back there holding in a laugh. She was about to turn around so I quickly, but quietly, hopped down and sat down.

When I sat down there's was a thud. She eyed me. "What? Guys aren't the only one who pass gas." I say and do a sassy hair flip. West burst into laughter. She eyes him but he doesn't seem to care.

15 minutes later and I'm eyeing the clock. Me and West had still been laughing a lot during the class and she kept telling us to stop but we never did.

30 seconds. Me and West kept eyeing the clock. As soon as the clock hit 4:30 I dashed out to my locker.

West was next to me and grabbed his as I grabbed mine. We walked outside laughing. We were just outside the doors. "Still can't believe she gave us detention for laughing."

"You both have detention after school!" He said in a mocking voice. Again.

"I expected better from you West!" I responded and we both laughed again almost falling.

"And when you stood on the chair!" We laughed again.

"Rayne!" I heard my name being called. I looked over and seen Greyson with some friends. He was smirking.

"Hey!" I looked over and seen West bow his head slightly. Weird.

"West." Greyson began making he way over towards me. "Hey. How was school?" He said looking down at me.

"Eh." I said shrugging.

"Little Miss. Trouble maker over here, got in trouble twice. First we got detention for laughing a lot and really loud. She asking smart mouthed the teacher. Than she started a paint war in her FACS class." West said. Greyson laughed.

"Oh! And i got in trouble for talking in first period." I added. They both laughed.

West walked off and it was just me and Greyson. "Need a lift?" He asked. I shook my head. "Than how you getting home?"

"My bike." I said.

"You ride a bike?" Cocking his eyebrow.

"Well, bike is the wrong word. It's a motorcycle really but ya know." Shrug.

"Forgot you rode that." He stated.

"Yea," suddenly his face fell. "What's wrong?"

He picked up my hand. Holding my fingers pointing them towards him. "What happened?" Growling lowly.

"Nothing." I say. He gives me a stern look. Rolling my eyes, "I punched a wall. 4 or 5 times." Looking away.

"Why?" Kissing each one of my knuckles, which were split.

I couldn't tell him. What if he wanted to leave me after I told him, not only am I having worried dreams, but im having them during the day to!?

"I don't know." Looking away.

"Your lieing." He hummed, continuing to kiss my knuckles.

I've always been a spectacular liar, what the hell?!?

My phone rang in my back pocket. Thank God.

I snatched my hand away and answered my phone. "Hello?"

"Hey little sis!" A bunch of different voices rang.

"Hey guys! What's up?" I asked, and Greyson wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled my back to his chest.

"The sky Rayne! Duh!" I heard Trojan say. "Shut the fuck up Trojan!" I heard my sister, Cassandra, yell. I smiled.

"Anyways, we just wanted to know what your doing for your birthday in a few days." Ryan asked, my uncle.


"Don't Tell me you forgot your own birthday?" Cass said.

"Ahem." Was all I could say.

"Dear lord Rayne! How could you forget your own birthday?!" Tre spoke up.

"I don't know. I've never really celebrated it. But look I gotta go."

"Bye! Love you!" They all shouted. I turned around.

"When's your birthday?" Greyson asked rubbing my lower back.

"In two or three days. I think" shrugging.

Chuckling, he shakes his head, "How do you not know your own birthday?"
"Never celebrated." I said. He gave a sad expression.

"How about I follow you home?" He asks.

I smile smalley, "Sure."



One thing. Go and read Taken by my friend wolf-kay123.

Thanks for reading!

Hope you enjoyed!


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