Mine. His?

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We walked in, after we were done talking, and I went to the office. They waited for me outside the office.

They gave me my schedule, a binder full of supplies, and a few books.

I was looking at my schedule, only for it to be plucked right out of my hands. My head snaps up, "What the-"

It was Emma who took my schedule. "Well? Who does she have?!?" Kiana, Mikayla, and Jasmine all said in unison.

"First science, than math, encore, encore, lunch, Language, Social Studies, English, Math Applications, Study hall." Emma read off my schedule.

"Who's her study hall teacher?" Jasmine asked.

"Fisher!" Emma said cheerfully.

They all smiled and laughed. "Someone wanna explain cuz I'm confused as hell."

"We all have the same homeroom!" They yelled in unison. We looked at each other before bursting out laughing.

Jasmine hooked her arm through mine, "We have first period together so let's go." I grabbed my schedule and we all walked down the hall together.

They explained that my schedule could possibly get changed depending on my intelligence level. "Each student took a series of tests last year which determined there schedule. You'll take them today. They can put you in classes like, advanced math, advanced language, but with advanced language, you wouldn't have English. You would stay in that class for two periods and learn English and literature." Jasmine explained.

"You'd know. You've been in there since we came to the highschool!" Mikayla exclaimed while Jasmine smiled triumphantly.

"You can also get in classes like Gifted and Talented. But that's the hardest class to get in. Hardly anyone is in there. I have no idea what they learn. Or the qualification you need to have to get in. I'm not saying that you can't though." Kiana continued to explain.

"I probably won't get any of em anyways so its okay." I say.

That all laughed, "Okay so what's your locker number?" Jasmine asked.

"Umm, 102." Looking back at my schedule.

"Sadly, because it's alphabetical, your locker isn't by ours." Emma replied.

"Eh, it's okay. I'll survive." I say shrugging.

Mikayla grabs my shoulder, "But will we Rayne, will we?"

We all laugh at her drama.

They show me to my locker. I get my locker opened, when a guy shows next to me. "Hello." He says. "Are you new?"

I nod. "I'm West." He says and I look at him whos smiling friendly.

"Rayne." I look back at my locker and put my books up.

"What class do you have first?" He asks.

"Science." I avoid eye contact.

He chuckled, "You don't say much do you?"

I nodded. "Than what?" He questions.


He nods. "Cool. Well, I'll catch you later than?" I nod, he chuckled and walks away. I shut my locker and turn around to my new found friends, with jaws dropped to the floor.

"What?" I ask.
No answer.
"Wha-" I was cut off when They just about tackled me.

"That's West. He doesn't talk to ANYONE!" Jasmine exclaimed.

"Lucky ass." Mikayla said. We all laughed. Than the bell rang. "Bye guys." Me and Jasmine head to the science.

I say that I'm new. She tells me to find a lab partner. I just went and sat by Jasmine.

I hate science. I basically dosed off multiple times. She yelled at me like three times. I almost died of laughter after each time. When class was over I darted.

Jasmine followed.
Next was math with Kiana and Mikayla.

I walked in and just sat in front of Kiana who was sitting next to Mikayla.

The teacher handed me a Chromebook and two pieces of paper. She explained that I would sign in, the information I needed was on one paper. The other was scratch.

I logged in, and took the test. It was about 35 problems. I tried but I don't think I did well. I walked to the teacher's desk.

I gave her the Chromebook and the two pieces of paper. The class was about 70 minute long. I was done in 55.

She told me to stay up there and that she'd pull up my results. I did.

"This dot is were an average amount of kids are." She pointed to a dot on the monitor. "This is were kids need to be to get into advanced, at least," oh god, she hasn't showed me were I am yet. It's gonna be horrible isn't it? "Your up here." She pointed above the dot. Way above the dot.

Holy shit! When did I learn math?!? I cant do math! What the fuck I'm so confused!?! Maybe I'm sick! Cuz that's the only thing that makes sense.

"If you'd like, you can gather your things, and I'll make you a note to stay over in the advanced class for the rest of class." I nodded felling totally dumbfounded.

I turned around and grabbed my things. Mikayla and Kiana congratulated me.

Grabbing my things, I got the pass and directions on how to get to that class. I make my way over there.

When I walk in guess who I saw! West! Okay at least I'll know someone. As soon as I entered his head snapped up. He smiled at me, than his face turned confused. I walked to the teacher and handed her the note.

She gave me a worksheet and said it was due tomorrow. I went and sat by West.

I did my worksheet and the bell rang. I got up, "Rayne how'd you get in this class?"

"That test." Monotone.

"Good job."

I looked at him and raised my eyebrow and looked away. "You really don't talk." I shrugged.

I went to my next two classes and before I knew it, it was lunch. I headed out and walked up to Jasmin and them. We were talking when I see that same guy looking at me.

Okay that's it I've had enough!

"Hold on." I say walking towards him and his smile stretches.

"What are you doing?" Jasmine asked.

I walk up to him. He was like a foot taller than me. And I'll admit. He was hot as hell. He had black hair and beautiful blue eyes. He was very muscular and I knew he was older that me because I haven't seen him in school. Maybe he has friends here he hangs out with?

He smiles at me and stares intensely. I pop my him and put my hand on it. " Look you've been staring at me constantly, and it's pissing me off. Instead of growing some balls and walking over to me, you decide to act like a hoe who didn't bring her psycho pimp enough money. Wanna explain?"

Before I can blink he has an arm around my lower back, while both of mine are in-between mine and his chest, being pushed against his.

His other hand is holding my hip.

He puts his face in the crook of my neck, "Your mine." He whispers huskily.

His? What the hell?!?

Hey thank you for reading again!

Hope you liked the chapter!

If you have Episode read my story "Bad Girl, Worse Boy"

If you don't have Episode than get it and make my story one of the first you read! If you do have it and your reading it than I fucking love you and sorry I haven't updated. Got grounded from my laptop.


Anyways, check it out. Bye!

Alphas Badass Angel Where stories live. Discover now