Birthday Pt. 2

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Greyson's POV.

I'm laying in bed thinking about the fact that today is my mate's birthday. 

When I heard when her birthday was, I had went and got her something. 

Suddenly my phone rang. I picked up my phone, and the caller ID. said Rayne Murphy.

I immediately shot up and answered.

"Hello? Rayne?" I answered urgently.

"G-Greyson, p-please come o-over and h-help me-me!" She cries.

"What's the matter?!?" I say alerted, worried about what was happening.

"I-I don't know. But I-I d-didn't know who to call! Please, Greyson!" She scream's again, so I get up and open my bedroom window.

  "Okay, I'm on my way, just hold on!" I jump out the window, end the call, slide down the roof, and jump off.

I let my wolf take over. He pushes me back, and I morph into my big black wolf. (A:N Why did that sound so wrong?! Smh)

Ignoring all the yelling coming from my pack, I run into the woods.




I continue, to push myself, to go faster.

Finally, I reach the back of her house. 

Hearing her scream, I quickly change into my human form, change into my shorts, and run inside.

She was laying on the ground. The lights were flickering and Rayne was on the ground, screaming, and arching her back. (A:N I swear, I'm not trying to make this dirty! Lmfao. I have issues.)

I immediately run to her. Dropping to my knees, I slide to her. I lift her up.

"Hey, hey!" I say. 

She looks up at me and stops crying for a split second. Then, she throws her arms around my neck. I wrap my arms around her. 

She begins to cry again and wads my shirt up in her fists.

"UUGGGHHHH!" She says and suddenly, there's a ring of fire around us.

But it wasn't red.

It was white and black.

I tighten my grip around her. Her crying softens but the flames continue.

"Hey beautiful." I say trying to calm her.

She leans into me more. 

I take her and straighten her up so she's in front of me. 

Her eyes were closed, and she looked weak. My wolf whined. From her not laying on us and her looking weak.

"Open you're eyes if you can hear me beautiful." I say.

With her head tilting from side to side, her eyes open.

They weren't one color, though. They were changing colors constantly, and neither eyes were in sync.

She fell unconscious on me. My wolf purred.

'She's UNCONSCIOUS! How can you be happy?!?' I ask in disbelief.

She's touching us! Yea I'm upset that she's unconscious, but the electrical shock's are my high!!! So screw you! Now take care of our damn mate!!! He growls.

I roll my eyes.

Looking around, I see the fire still flaming, but now... I can't explain it, but, the colors, they're swirling... like they're fighting for dominance.

I pick her up, and stand. 

Shaking my head, I walk up to the fire. 

There's no heat coming off of it.

I stick my foot in the fire. Nothing.

Confused, I walk through.

Nothing. I seriously felt nothing.

Shaking my head, I ran outside towards the woods.

Before I got there, three people emerged from the edge of the woods. Immediately I knew who they were.

"What the fuck are you guys doing here?" I asked.

"Well you ran off, and no one knew why. Everyone was going nuts, and we couldn't connect to you through the mind link. So-" Tyler started but Zach cut him off.

"Who's that?" He asks eyeing her.

I growl lightly, "My mate."

"You mean the one you can't stop talking about?" Matt ask's, chuckling.

I roll my eyes, and walk to the woods.

"So, what happened?" Matt asks.

"She called screaming and crying, and I came here to see what the hell was going on. Well, she was on the ground and the lights were flickering. When I touched her and talked to her and she figured out it was me. She hugs me and than screams or groans and than there was a ring of black and white fire around us.

"When I told her to open her eyes if she could hear me, she did but her eye were changing colors and neither eyes were in sync. Then, she fell unconscious. But, when I ran out of the fire, I didn't feel anything. Nothing burnt."

They're eyes widened. "Wow." They say in unison.


Hey! Thanks for reading!!!

Shity ending, I know! 

But I couldn't continue because, I'm sitting in my kitchen, at like 1:20 at night, with my older brother in the other room and has work in the morning, and my little brother in another room, so ya!

Anyways, I'm gonna get my insomniac/bi-polar ass in bed!

Have a great night! Or morning??? Psh, yea like anyone's actually reading and enjoying this book! Or even reading it this early! 

Whenever you'r reading this have a great that time! 


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