Not My Bed, Not My Room,

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Raynes' POV.


What the fuck happened last night. The memories flood into my brain.

Greyson came, helped me. There was... fire??? But it was black and white? Can it be fire? I don't know.

I took a deep breath. There was weight on my stomach.

Curiosity over came me and I opened my eyes.

Looking down, I see Greyson's head on my stomach. His face was tear streaked and he was sound asleep. Down by my feet was West. 

Wait, West?!?! What the actual fuck??? How is dis hoe here? I don't know. I'm sure if I actually thought about it I would know and figure it out, but I already have a killer headache so I ain't gonna risk it.

I moved my finger's just to make sure I wasn't paralyzed. Wait, can paralyzed people open they're eyes? Jeez, my head hurts now.

My fingers clutch around another hand. Greyson's hand.

His hand was much bigger than mine and he had calluses. Good to know he's not a lazy slacker. Kinda, maybe, like me. His hand was sending shocks through my hand and up my arm. I... I kinda, maybe, sorta liked it.

I tried to remove my hand from his, but he snatched it back and tightened his grip. He rubs his head into my stomach.

Sighing, I take my free hand and run it through his thick, black hair.

He purrs.

Opening his eye's they widen with shock. Suddenly he get's up and pulls me into a sitting position. 

He takes one hand and wraps it around my waist. The other is behind my neck with part of his finger's in my hair. He shoves his face in the crook of my neck.

"I've missed you beautiful." He whispers. Smiling, I wrap my arms around his torso.

Someone clears there throat. Greyson growls. Rolling my eye's, I see West. He smiles at me and waves. I smile back.

Then he starts making kissy faces. I hide my face in Kane's neck. He lifts his head up.

"Are you alright? Do you need anything?" He asks caressing my cheek. 

I shake my head, "Nah, I'm good." My eyes widened in shock. My voice came out nasty and deep as though I was sick. I put my hand on my neck. West, who was sitting on the bed, laughed and rolled of with a thud.

Greyson's eyes widened but he chuckled.

Glaring at the both of them, I flipped them both off.

Greyson laughed again, and West was still rolling.

I shoved my face in my arms.

A hand runs through my hair. I take a deep breath, knowing it was Greyson.

"I'll go get the pack nurse." West says recovering from his laughing tantrum. Wait, is that a thing? Yea, okay, I have no fucking clue, but it is now, so ya.

Greyson sit's in front of me, our faces about five inches away. "Why'd you stay away from me?" He asked, furrowing his eyebrows. 

I just shook my head, "Not the time, Greyson." 

He sighed, "I know, but as soon as the nurse leaves, were talking about it." I nodded. He took his hand to the back of my head, and brought my forehead to him, and he kissed it.  He tried to pull back, but I grabbed his shirt. Just chuckling, he played with my hair.

I sighed. A nurse came in. She looked around my height, curly blonde hair, and bright blue eyes. Greyson got up, and stood on the wall behind the nurse, he crossed his arms and leaned against the wall. Damn it! Sexy mother fucker.

"Hello, Greyson told me what happened the other night, what do you remember from then?" She asked, sounding sincere.

"Um, I remember... I was listening to music, and suddenly the core of my stomach started to hurt. Then the pain shot from there to my legs and got worse causing me to fall. Then, it shot up to my head. They came in waves, the last worse than the other. I remember calling Greyson... and, most things after that is kinda foggy." I shrug.

"Okay. How much worse would you say it'd be?" Raising an eyebrow. 

"Once it got to my head, it was around 10 times worse." 

She nods. "Alpha Greyson, said that your eyes were changing colors and that there was fire. Do you remember that?"

"All except for my eyes yea." Nodding.

"Did the pain burn?"

I shook my head, "No, it was just, kinda.... there." 

"Alright, well, I'm gonna go. Rest up, and I'll see you later hun."

I smiled at her and she left. "Yea, I'm gonna go to." West said, exiting.

With a huff, Greyson came next to me. I looked up at him. He smiled down to me and rested his hand on my cheek, "Ready for that talk now?"


Yo! Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Sorry for any mess ups. 

I haven't been getting much sleep since the second week of school last year and its getting worse. 


Brake rules.


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