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I stayed leaning against him because every time I tried to move, he growled or gripped my thigh tightly.

Finally, we pulled up in front of my house. "Well, it's not burnt down." I say looking at my house.

"Yep." Greyson says sounding dumbfounded.

"Your evil layer doesn't seem so evil." West says, disappointed. I roll my eyes, before getting out. I leave the door open for West.

Greyson comes up behind me and clasps my hand with his, and intertwines our finger's. Nervously, I walk up the porch steps. West trails behind us.

Placing my hand on the door knob, I walk in. The walls were they're normal color. Looking around the room, everything was how it was before the incident. On the floor was my phone.

Letting go of Greysons' hand, I walked over to it and picked it up. I knew it was dead.

Greyson came up and grabbed my hand. The shocks ran through me and the electricity was all I could think about. Suddenly my phone turned on and it showed I had a full charge. "What the hell!?"

"What's the matter?" Greyson said urgently.

"My phone was just dead, and then..." I trailed off. "Nevermind, I'm all good." Smiling at him. He just nodded.

"Where's your furniture?" West suddenly asked.

I stuffed my phone in my back pocket. "I haven't gotten around to buying any yet."

"You could've told me. I would've helped." Greyson said.

"But it's not a big deal." I replied.

"Yes it is." He argued. I shook my head, not wanting to argue. Sighing I look up. My eyes nearly bulge out of my sockets.

"Holy shit." I say. They look up and see what I'm looking at. There was a circle of black and white but they were swirling around each other. Just like that night. It was a perfect circle.

"This is right under my bedroom. They're better not be burn marks on my floor." I say as I begin to dart up the stairs. I hear the boys following behind me.

I run straight up stairs to my bedroom. Opening up the door, I look to the right, where the marking was in the living room, and see nothing. I sign in relief. The boys come in.

Greyson growls, "Why don't you have a bed?" Lowly.

"I do."

"Where?" Growling lowly.

I walk up to my bed. Picking up my foot I kick the blankets. "There."

"Wait. Completely remove the blankets." Greyson says. I do so. The same mark in my living room was on my floor.

"That doesn't make sense. The mark was way over there. How'd it get here?" Asking myself more then Greyson.

"Look at the ceiling." Greyson says. I do and there's the same pattern.

"Oh God." I say. I run my fingers through my hair.

Greyson comes up and wraps his arms around my waist pulling me to his chest. I rest my head against his chest, and he pets my hair.

"I'mma go." West says and walks out. I nod.

Greyson let's me go. Looking at him curiously, I see him take my blankets and pillows and rearranges them. Then, looking at me, he walks around the blankets and holds his hand out. Hesitantly, I grab his hand.

I yelp when he jerks my hand forward, causing me to fall into me. Than, he picks me up bridal style. Slowly, he crouches down, his eyes never leaving mine. He place me on my side - facing the window - and walks around to lay next to me.

I smile. He pulls me to him and wraps his arms around me. "What do the signs mean?" I ask playing with his shirt.

His eyebrows furrow. "I don't know. Would you like me to mind link Matt and see what he knows?"

Pondering on the idea, I nod slowly. He nods back. His eyes glaze over.

Five minutes of me playing with the him of his shirt, he comes back, but I was too deep in thought to notice. I lean into his chest and lift my hand to his tattoos. Using my middle finger, I trace the one on his bicep.

Suddenly, he growls. My head snaps up to see his eyes clenched shut. I remove my hand, "Sorry." I mumbled.

He shakes his head. He takes my hand, intertwines our fingers, and rest them between us. "What's he say?" I ask looking up. His eyebrows furrow and his eyes grow dark. "What?" He huffs, and suddenly, his face is in the crook of my neck while both of his arms wrapped around my waist.

I bring my arms around his neck and play with his hair. After a couple of minutes, he backs up and looks at me intensely. "He said that he's never heard anything like it. But common knowledge told him a few things. One is that the black and white colors where completely different. Black is something or anything bad, evil, or dark. White is something or anything good, pure, and light.

"He said that the swirling colors could mean two different things. One, the colors mean something about you, and are fighting for dominance. Or, two, it just means good and bad. He said, though, that the colors come for every witch. But there are never two colors. There are signs, about what type of witch they're supposed to be. It's normally determined by they're family, or upbringing.

"But my guess is that, because you didn't even know of the witches existing, or that you were one, the slight pain you were supposed to feel over weeks, you felt all in one night. You see, most witches start off with a ritual to spread the pain until they're birthday. But because you didn't know, you didn't have the ritual and felt it all in one night instead." He stopped, his brows furrowed, and not looking at me.

"What do you mean that the colors mean something about me?" I ask.

"Well, he also said that something must've happened to you that affected you. He also has assumption's. Assumptions that you may be related to the most powerful witch. Ever. And if this is confirmed, I'll be right here. Helping you every step. I promise." And with that, he leaned his head down and kissed my hand.


So. What do you think about the news and assumptions?

Do you think they're right?

Do you think there's something else about it?

Find out next chapter!

Have an AWESOME 4th Of July!



-Crazy Red Warrior

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