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After getting my books, I went to bed. I've never been able to go to bed early. My mind just doesn't let me. And if I do, I wake up all the time. I haven't got a full night's rest is years.

I woke up at like three in the morning. I took a shower, dried off, and looked for some clothes.

I threw on a pair of ripped black jeans. A black t-shirt, with blue and white letters on it that said COME AT ME BRO. I put on silver hoop earrings. A black leather jacket that stopped right above my hips. Finally some black boots that covered my ankle.

I took my long, thick brown hair, and straightened it. It went past my shoulder blades and stopped right by my hips. I put on a grey beanie after I put on mascara and eyeliner.

Grabbing my phone, headphones, helmet, and keys, I head out to greet my precious baby, after locking my house of course.

Following the instructions of my GPS, I head to school.

~~~10 minutes later.~~~

I drive into the parking lot and park in the back. It's just what I've always done.

I take of my helmet and the keys out of the ignition. My hair falls out of my helmet and I walk through the parking lot.

Cat calls are yelled and just keep walking.

But guess who I saw?!
Can you guess???

Well here let me tell you.

The same guys, plus a few more, from yesterday.

You know the one who was staring.

A lot.

And pissing me off.

A lot.

His eyes locked with mine. He smiled and I looked away.

A girl runs up to me. She was a dirty blonde. She was wearing a black shirt with white words that say NORMAL IS BORING. I like her already. A pair of dark blue skinny jeans. And a pair of ankle booties on. "Hey are you new?"

Simply nodding, she smile and looks astonished at the same time, "You are the first new kid we've had in years!"

"Thanks? I think?" I say.

"My friends wanted me to ask you if you wanna hang out." She points back to a group of three girls who are all laughing. "So," she starts moving her shoulders up and down "wanna come hang out?"

I look away, and look back, a worried expression floods my face. "Ugh! Come on." She grabs my wrist and takes-

No if she were taking me I wouldn't be about to face plant. She fucking drags me like I'm a dead body. Okay now I'm a little scared.

We finally stop in front of a truck.

There was one girl with hair that went about an inch past her shoulders and had white streaks in it. She was wearing a black Adidas hoodie. She was about my height, had black rimmed glasses, skinny jeans on and black Converse.

The girl next to her was really tall. Taller than me by like 3 or 4 inches. She was wearing a turquoise hoodie with white words saying JUST DO IT. And a pair of capris. And turquoise converse.

Finally, the girl next to her was wearing a shirt white shirt saying WEIRDO in black letters and a pair of light blue jeans, and sneakers.

They smiled at me and I smiled back. The girl still had hold of my wrist, "My names Jasmine that's Mikayla, Kiana, and Emma."

"Your name is..." Kiana said questioningly.

"Rayne." I say.

"I told you Rayne was a name!" Emma said.

"Whatever." Jasmine said.

"So you just moved here?" I nodded. "Cool. And you don't have to be quiet around us. We're all very loud people. Unless your names Jasmine, who only likes to be loud when no one is around." Mikayla says while laughing. I laugh a little.

"So is that your Harley?" Emma said pointing to my bike.

"Uhh yeah." I say.

"Shouldn't of said that." Kiana said shaking her head.

"I love bikes. My mom had one that was gonna be mine, but she sold it."
Emma stopped.

"Okay Emma. We know. Calm it girl." Jasmine says while Emma crosses her arms.

"Okay let me see if I've got this. Jasmine, Mikayla, Kiana, and Emma." I point to each one as I say there name.

Everyone nods there head as Kiana shakes her head. "No I'm a marshmallow!" Kiana, or marshmallow states stomping her foot. We all burst into laughter.

After we calm down a little, Mikayla shakes her head, "She has been calling her self that since like, seventh grade."

We continue to talk for a little while and continue to laugh as well.

I've never had friends before, but maybe I can???

Thank you for reading!
If your reading this than your awesome!

Also, these four girls are based off my nutty best friends.

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