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My home was down a long dirt road, that led to a larger country home. It was far away from the village called Rosewood. I used to live with a boy who I had become very close with, till one day he disappeared.

    His name was Peter.


    I was 17.

    I never actually had a family, and neither did Peter. We decided to make our own 'fake' family.

    Why did it have to be fake?

    There was a law that ladies at the age of 14, had to be married to their parent's chosen suitor. So since neither of us had parents, we... well we pretended that Peter was my suitor.

Whenever we would go in public, we'd hold hands as if we were an actual couple. The town loved us, even though they didn't know our secret. After faking it for two years, someone must have found out.

We got a letter from the palace, requesting my presence to the prince. Peter was the first to see the letter and quickly caught on to the kingdom's plan for me.

So why don't we just start my story here. The moment when my life changed, because it would never be the same after this.
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