Chapter 8

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I found a nice dark blue cloak and tied the strings around my neck.

I carefully snuck out, going through a less used path to get to the old village. I hadn't been there in so long, and it felt like I was back home again. As I walked through the entrance, a smile grew on my face.

But it quickly went away, seeing signs for missing children.

I passed at least ten before getting to the main part of the village. No one was in their regular cheerful mood like they usually were on market days.

Then I remembered Caroline.

She was always the life of the party, surely she would be somewhere around. I knew exactly where she would be, where she always set up her booth.

Caroline would set her booth up by the bakery, which was where an old man lived/worked. His name was Ben Calbert. He used to go to my house, delivering treats, and bread, which was before Peter-


I had totally forgotten about him.

I shook my head, trying hard not to think of him. I had to find Caroline.

His face kept coming up in my mind, his last words I had heard from him running through my head.

"If you don't want to hear from me or think of me again, just throw the ring away. I don't care... I love you, Peter."

"I love you, Peter."

I love you.

I looked down at my left hand, glancing at the ring he had given me.

"But this ring was my mother's and she told me to give it to someone I really care about."

Mother? What mother?!

He had no family! Why did I get all emotional about something he lied about!? Unless it was a clue or hint to something...

*mentally slapping myself*

Stop it, Bailey! You need to find Caroline if you keep thinking about Peter-

"Caroline!" I rushed over to the old women's clothing booth. Oh, I missed her so much.

She turned around, wearing the same purple apron I had seen on her the last time. Her hair was in a long braid, just as usual. Caroline's eyes widened, as she waved me down, then gave me a hushed finger.

"Bailey!" she whispered. She looked around to see if anyone was watching.

"Where have you been? I've heard rumors you've been with the prince... Doing-"

My eyes widened as I quickly shook my head. "I've been at the palace." I was now behind her booth, hunched down, in front of the bakery. "What's happening? Why is everyone moping around?" I wanted to know.

She bent down even more, so that we were both clear out of sight, and sitting on the dirt. She took a deep breath, then spilled. "The past few nights, some of the young boys around your age have gone missing. They have tried to tell their parents that they heard a pipe or whistling, but they would not listen. Next thing you know it, they disappear into the night, never to be seen again."

I gasped, covering my mouth with my right hand. "So they're being kidnapped?!" I whispered.

Caroline shrugged, "That's what we think, a few of the men are discussing what they'll do tonight." she looked back, looking at the bakery. "They're in there now talking about it."

"Who all is it?"

"I don't know if you know Thomas North, but his kid Jonathan was taken last night. He's about 10 or so."

"Thomas? The boy that lives over there?" I pointed across the street and she nodded.

"His wife had a kid before they were married, that's why you're confused." she laughed, knowing me so well.

We talked a while, catching up on all the things that had gone on after I was taken to the palace. It was around evening when we finally stopped.

"You should stay for dinner." she insisted as I was walking away from the booth.

"I'm good, but I'll stick around, I want to see what's happening with all the boys."

Caroline nodded, giving me a small snack before I went on my way. It was getting dark, and the only light was from the moon and a few street lamps.

My stomach hurt, scared of what might come.

It was that horrible feeling of nervousness, that something was coming to get you. I hated myself for being so paranoid. I was walking the streets on my own when I noticed that I was still wearing the fancy dress.

"I have got to get out of this," I told myself.

I hadn't known at the moment, but I was already on the road to my old home. I ran as soon as I knew where I was going and quickly went to the back door. I knew where the hideaway key was and searched under a special rock for it.

"Of course." I rolled my eyes seeing it wasn't there. I was about to just leave when I noticed that the door's small window had been broken. I glanced into the house, seeing a small light was on in each room of the house.

No, Bailey, don't you dare go inside there. You'll scream your head off if you even feel the slightest bit of the wind from outside.

Not following my instincts, I slowly cracked the door open, stepping inside.

Author's Note:

Have fun with that.

I might just leave it there for a few days, weeks, months, maybe years just because... JK, I'll have something up this weekend.


Depends on how long I want ya'll to suffer.

Love you guys!

-Bella Kae <3

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