Chapter 14

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*Bailey's POV*

Killian led me onto a ship and took me into what must have been the Captain's Quarters. We sat down at a desk, and he began to look for a piece of paper in the drawers.

"What are you looking for? We should be out on the island getting revenge!" I told him.

Killian pulled out an old paper, that had a drawing on it. "Do you know where to find this?"

"What is it?" I narrowed my eyes, taking the paper from his hands.

"Dreamshade, a deadly plant that is only found on this island."

"Why would you use a deadly plant on him? That just sounds like you're a child. I'm not going to work with someone who plays the game like this." I crossed my arms and Killian stared at me like he was trying to figure something out.

"You sound a lot like Pan."

I rolled my eyes. "We lived together for around 3 years, I think we'd rub off onto one another wouldn't we?"

Killian shrugged and rolled up the paper, stuffing it in his pocket. "Let's go."

"You really think this is a good idea?" I asked.

I was starting to think this guy was crazy. All he could think about was using this poison to kill Peter, which I thought was the most stupid way to kill him.


We came off the ship and were back on the island, searching for Peter's boy camp. Killian told me it was called or they were called 'The Lost Boys'.

Odd name, but okay.

We walked for around half an hour before Killian got tired, and said we needed a break.

"Hold on." I leaned down towards Killian, who was sitting on a rock, taking a sip of water. "Do you even have the Dreamshade?":

Killian shook his head and I sighed.

Great, another thing we have to find.

This guy needed to plan more carefully if he wants to get something done.

*Peter's POV*

"Am- Am I free?" Wendy asked.

I laughed opening the cage. "Not just yet love."

I took Wendy to the camp with me, and into my tent, to tell her my plan. She sat on the small bench inside of it, looked at me like a lost puppy. I couldn't look at her when she did that kind of thing. "Alright, I'm going to need you to do something for me."

"Like what?" she asked innocently.

"How well do you how good are you at acting?"

"Acting? As in, pretending to be somebody else?"

"Yes." I rolled my eyes. "I need you to pretend to be lost on the island, as a lore for someone I've lost."

"Well, who did you lose Pan?"

"Now that's none of your concern now is it?"

Wendy shook her head, then looked to the ground. "Okay, where do I start?"

"That's what I like to see!" I used my magic, and a pile of clothing appeared by Wendy. It was a similar outfit to what Bailey used to wear back in Rosewood. A dark brown corset, cream skirt, and light blue apron.

Wendy was excited about the wardrobe change and immediately asked me to leave so she could leave. My plan was already working.

You see Bailey, this how you play the game.

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