Author's Note

160 4 1

Well, I finished it.

Thanks sooooo much for reading and getting me this far. I've never finished a book on Wattpad so fast!

I am having someone work on a trailer, just to let you know, so hopefully that'll be up soon. So if you want to make a cover or trailer for fun, message me!


-Sequel is called Halfway Gone

-I will be posting on Fridays ( since the book I am co-writing will be posted every Thursday)

-I am looking for a better cover for Halfway Gone.

-OMG this book has 520 reads! Thanks so so so much for reading! I'm really hoping that it gets to 1,000 by the end of the year!

Well that should be it.

I'd also like to thank @lost_girl_forever_12 for helping me throughout the story. She really gave me great critics and pretty much saved my butt with the wording. SHe boosted my confidence about the story and I just wanted to say thanks!

Please go check out her story Peter Pan's Twin!

And another thing I say before I go:

I have a bunch of original stories I'm working on. Some are inspired by books I've read, others from odd dreams...

Anyways if you see the same character names popping up as the same character, it's most likely because I am in love with the name, I wrote the story a while back, and I most likely will not be changing it.

ok, bye lost ones!!!! See you in Halfway Gone

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