Chapter 7

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I spent three months in the palace, trying to hide away from the public. The king never paid attention to me, and the prince was always off with some other girl. 

I learned a few things about the prince while I was hanging out with him every evening:

He was actually very nice.

His name was David

He wasn't Prince James, he was his twin

He would be gone all day with a girl that was evidently 'Most Wanted' in all kingdoms. So since I had nothing else to do, I would roam the ballroom, raid the kitchens, etc.

It was the same old routine every day.

Except for one very special day.

My day started off, off. I woke up to breakfast in bed, around noon, which wasn't very normal because I usually wake up before the sky does. Normally, I would have to walk over to the kitchen to get a fresh breakfast and hang out with the workers.

The reason for this late awake:

My window had opened in the middle of the night, and would not shut. I was up all night trying to close it, but it wouldn't budge. This is odd because it's literally a door made to look like a window. It leads out to a small balcony, filled with a small garden.

It had felt like something was pulling the doors back as I tried to close them. After getting tired, I went to bed, with the window open.

So now that you know what happened the night before, let me present to you, 'the most complicated day of my life' (and more).

After eating a tiny bit, I heard knocks on the door, which meant that the maids were here to dress me. I hated it when they'd barge in to put me in the smallest corset available. I had started to eat less and less, so that I wouldn't suffocate with the corsets the kingdom provided, but that only made it worse.

"Good afternoon Bailey!" One of the three maids came rushing in to greet me. She was the youngest out of them all, most likely about 25. Her name was Joan, and she had short blonde hair. She was the closest person to my age, and we liked to sit in the gardens.

"Hello, Joan! How's the weather today?"

"It's gorgeous outside! It was too bad you missed the sunrise this morning!"

I laughed, as the two other maids began to search through my closet for the right clothing. Joan and I talked more about what had happened this morning, and all the kitchen drama.

"Bailey, I've picked out this beautiful dress for you to wear." One of the women held up a pale pink dress, letting it dangle from her grasp. "I found a lighter one because it is a bit warm outside."

"Wonderful." I lied. They began the process of tightening the corset, adding layers of undergarments, then finally, pulling over the dress.

After the three left, I ran over to the window and put both my hands on the balcony. I was breathing heavy, trying to stay alive in the dress.

I wanted to change into the clothes I first wore when I got here it was so bad. Sadly, the maids threw it away because it was too, "peasant-like."

*mentally rolling my eyes*

I looked over at the garden, seeing Prince David with his girlfriend he had been hiding for the past 3 months. I decided to get out of my bedroom and walk around the palace.

As I walked around the palace, I noticed a lot of workers carrying carts of food and exotic things down the road.

"Hey!" I ran up to them all, asking what they were planning on doing.

"It's market day." They responded.

"Oh, that's lovely." I despised talking like some stuck up princess. "Have a good day then!" I waved to them with a fake smile, as they went their way.

A smirk formed on my face. "I'm going to market day," I told myself.

I rushed back to my room, trying to find the most worn out cloak that I could put on, so I wouldn't get anyone to notice me.

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