Chapter 2

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I heard footsteps from the inside, quickly coming towards the door. I prepared myself for some sort of dangerous man, thinking that Peter was scared of him. 

"Here goes nothing," I muttered.

The door opened, revealing a young man, about 20 years old or so. He had dark brown hair, and dark eyes. His face was a bit dirty, most likely from working, and had pale skin. He smiled and opened the door wider, inviting me inside his home.

"You must be here for Peter." He guessed.

I nodded, looking around his home. "I am, but I'm not sure why he isn't getting the money himself."

The interior was cozy. There was a couch that had wolf and bear furs spread across for blankets, beautiful wood carvings, and much more.

"I'm Thomas North." he reached his hand out for me to shake.

"Bailey Parker-" I squinted my eyes, knowing that I had already messed up. Thomas didn't seem to notice, so I gave him a nice smile, and he blushed a little.

Thomas rubbed the back of his neck, darting his eyes around the room. "I'll be right back, I need to find the money."

I laughed as he ran off into another room.

Within 30 seconds or so, A little boy that was at least 3, came running in from a back door. The boy looked a bit like Thomas, with the same eyes, but his hair was blonde.

He was getting closer to me, but wouldn't stop. I was about to move out of the way, when he rammed into my legs, knocking both of us over.

Thomas came into view, and dropped a small bag on the floor, running to the child's aid. "Bailey! I am so sorry!" He picked the boy up, then held his hand out for me to take, again.

I reached forward, but as soon as I touched Thomas' hand, the front door swung open. My head snapped around, my eyes immediately went down to the intruder's shoes, then followed up to their face.

I scrambled to my feet, as the one and only Peter stared me down, a frown on his face.

"I thought I told you to get the money. You weren't supposed to be lying on the floor."

"I was knocked down." I murmured.

"Excuse me?" Peter sounded offended.

"I said, I was knocked down." I told him, speaking up.

"Sure you were. Now," he turned his head, glancing at Thomas. "Where is the payment?"

Thomas reached down and grabbed the small bag he had dropped.

The little boy came back, this time almost running into Peter. When the boy saw him, he suddenly stopped, looking up at Peter in horror. The boy slowly back away, then grabbed onto Thomas' leg.

Thomas picked the boy up and handed the bag over to Peter, who snatched it from his hand. "Next time, I don't want to see Bailey on the floor of your pigpen you call home."

I opened my mouth to defend Thomas, but Peter took me by the arm once more, dragging me out of the home.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the short chapter! I don't know what lengths these are going to be, so go with the flow. I really wanted this to just be one scene. Thanks for reading, and if you liked it, please vote! Also, if you want, comment questions you have!

-Bella Kae <3

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