Chapter 26

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Wendy wondered around, hoping to find the girl so that she could please Pan. Before long, she was, of course, taken by the bloody pirate we call Hook.


"Please don't hurt me!" She whimpered.

Hook shook his head. "Did Pan tale you too?"

Wendy nodded her head, the looked to the ground. "I wanted to find my brothers. But now he's taken me captive. If I don't do as he says, he'll hurt my brothers." Wendy started to get teary eyed.

"He's gotten out of control." Hook told her. "Why don't you come stay with my crew and I, and I'll give you some food?"

Wendy nodded, wiping her eyes. "That would be lovely. Thank you... what shall I call you?"

"Call me Captain Hook." He said as they began to walk away.


Wendy ate a large dinner with the captain, and she almost devoured the entire table.

"Did Pan even feed you?" Hook asked, chuckling.

Wendy shrugged, "Only bits at a time. This is the most I've had in a few months." she said gulping down a glass of water. "Thank you, by the way."

"No problem."

After eating as much as she could, Hook told Wendy to stay hidden, just in case one of Pan's boys would come to take her. Of course, he spoke to late and jinxed it.

That night Felix and a few other of the Lost Boys snuck onto the ship and took Wendy while she was sleeping, hoping to earn something from Pan if they locked her back up.

This all being said, Peter should have never sent Wendy to find something because she's a brat and too kind to do any of his dirty work.


The boys laughed as they dragged Wendy through the jungle, on their way towards the cages.

"Little brat thought she could escape!" said one.

"Yeah, I wonder why Pan was dumb enough to let 'er out this time!" said the other.

"Ha! Little old Bailey has to be protected!" he mocked.

"Gotta keep my Bailey away from the pirates!"

"Shut up. If Pan hears you, he'll slit your throats." Felix snapped.

As if on cue, Peter appeared in front of the three boys, hands crossed over one another. "That you're right Felix." he pulled out his dagger and started spinning it around. "Now, who's first?"

"Pan, please it was just a joke!" The boys threw their hands in the air, asking for forgiveness. "We're sorry! We didn't mean to!"

Peter scowled at them but turned to Wendy, who was asleep and thrown over Felix's shoulder. "Next time, don't joke about Bailey, or I'll hang you in front of the mermaids and watch them devour you." he waved his hand, making Wendy disappear. "Make sure no one comes off this island. If they try, shoot 'em with dreamshade."

With that, he disappeared.

Author's Note:

Sorry it's short, but hey, you can't blame me since I gave you another piece of chewing on for the time being.
Also, if y'all like The Maze Runner Series, check out The Flame Within!
It's a fanfic my friend and I are working on!
Here's her account:

-Bella Kae <3

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