Chapter 21

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Man did I hate being in this castle.

I never knew what to do.

I was always by myself, no one was ever around.

There was a knock on the door, as I was roaming my closet.

"Come on in!" I yelled, quickly running out of the room.

"You're needed in the dining room. Get dressed. The king wants to see you there." said a servant. As soon as they had come inside, they were gone, leaving me wondering what it was I had to do.


Back to the closet.

I had already been dressed for the day, but evidently, I had to put something else on.


After I finished dressing, I looked in the mirror, admiring the outfit I had chosen.

After I finished dressing, I looked in the mirror, admiring the outfit I had chosen

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Nice job Bailey. I told myself.

I then continued and walked out of the room, and down the hallway towards the giant dining room.


I walked up to two large doors, that were guarded by larger men. They opened them as I came up, revealing a long dinner table, filled with lots of food.

The king was standing at the very end, David was to his left, and some other man, dressed like a prince. was to the right to him.

"Bailey! Come join us!" the king yelled, waving me down.

I narrowed my eyes and slowly walked my way down the right side. I smiled slightly, standing a bit close to the unknown man. "Good afternoon," I said.

The king nodded, "It is. Now, Bailey, I would like to introduce you to a young man." he gestured towards the one sitting next to me. "This is Prince Derek Charles Edward the 3rd."

"Oh." The man smiled, and took my hand, gently kissing it.

Ooo, gentleman. And he's kinda handsome too.

"Well, Prince Derek-"

"You may call me Derek," he whispered. Derek gave me a warm smile, and I turned away blushing.

"Prince Derek, this is Princess Bailey Rose." the king told him.


"Beautiful name," Derek said in a softer voice.

I bit my lip, trying to hide a smile. "Thank you. Yours is also beautif-" I shook my head and he laughed.

"I know what you're trying to say."

"Bailey," the king tried to catch my attention. "Derek is your new suitor."

I gasped.

Derek awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck as my mind screamed in fear.

What was this man thinking?!

I was not a princess, nor should I be suited to a prince!

Author's Note:

I know, I know...

It's sooo short!

I've been posting small pieces, I get it.

But at least I'm still updating!!!

Anyways, I've been working on a surprise for you all! Make sure to go follow @Charlotte_Eagle !!!

We're working on something very important, so comment what you think it is!!!

Also vote, comment what you think will happen and if I should do a flashback or present day Chapter!

-Bella Kae <3


I got a tumblr account!!!!

go follow me- bellakae

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