Chapter 5

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I woke up the next morning, sprawled across my bed, the blankets and comforters on the floor. I couldn't get any sleep the night before, thinking that Peter would come into my room to beat me or something crazy like throwing me out the window.   

He could have come in my room last night, and cut my arm, destroyed my mirror, shredded my clothes. I carefully scanned my bedroom, looking for anything out of place. Thankfully, nothing was missing or broken.

I sat up and stretched my arms out, not remembering the fact that I most likely had the royal carriage waiting for me outside. Walking over to my vanity, a puff of green smoke appeared, then vanished, revealing a wooden chest.

There was a letter attached to it, sealed with black wax. I flipped it over, reading the name that had been written on the front.

 I flipped it over, reading the name that had been written on the front

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Peter's handwriting.

I didn't bother opening the letter as I pulled the chest open. It was filled with a whole bunch of gold, gowns, jewelry, and so much more. There was a small box, that I grabbed and quickly opened it.

As if by magic, it shut itself, and the letter flew up to my hands, opening itself. "No no no no no no no no. I am not dealing with magic again."

I shoved the letter away, but it came right back. The first few words lit up in gold, as Peter's voice started to speak.

"Bailey, if you're reading, or hearing this, that means that I am no longer with you. Either I have died, or hate myself enough that I had to run away. Which is not likely! Anyways, there should be a chest in front of you, and inside will be a lot of treasures, but you have to pick the right one. Knowing you, you picked up the small box and it closed as soon as you opened it."

I narrowed my eyes and stared at the letter.

"Inside there will be a ring..." Peter paused for a moment. "I would have given it to you earlier, but you know me, I don't really ever get you any gifts. And I'm sorry for that. But this ring was my mother's and she told me to give it to someone I really care about."

A tear was forming in both of my eyes. The box opened up, revealing a gold ring, with a sparkling diamond in the center. There were a few that surround the diamond, and they spiraled around the band.

Peter continued, "Please, wear this ring because it will protect you from any harm. As long as you keep it on, of course. Bailey, I want you to know that if I was ever mad, mean, or rude to you, I'm truly sorry. If you don't want to hear from me or think of me again, just throw the ring away. I don't care. You can sell it and get rich with the money. I love you, Peter."

I slipped the ring onto my ring finger, almost bursting into tears as the letter vanished with the chest, in a puff of green smoke.

Then the thought struck me.

I still had to go to the palace.

I rushed to my closet, seeing that none of my clothes had dried from washing them earlier, I ran over to Peter's room, hoping to see something I could wear in there.

I found some old pants of his that were too small and slipped them on. They were a tighter fit but still worked. I found one of his looser creme shirts and pulled that over my undergarments, then took one of my corsets to make it fit.

I found one of his cloaks and wrapped it around myself for warmth.

I found one of his cloaks and wrapped it around myself for warmth

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I nodded my head, preparing myself for what would happen next. Walking down the stairs, I noticed that the house was empty, and noiseless without Peter. It would probably be abandoned now that I was leaving also.

I covered my head with the hood and jogged outside after closing the door.

There was a black carriage, waiting in the driveway of my home, and the person on my most hated list, was standing with the door open, and his hand out, to help me inside.

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