Chapter 25

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There were many things I didn't share with people.

Like the fact that I did have a little magic in me at one point, but it was taken away before I could actually use it. They said it was a curse having it taken away, but I thought it was a curse having it.

Though, the curse was that unless I found the key, then I would have my magic back, fully restored, with all knowledge of how to use it. Some said that the key was to think outside of the box. But I still had to figure out what that was I had to do.

When Peter came around, I felt that he was the key at first. I had always felt something different around him.

A spark.

Thinking about that reminded me of Derek.

Whatever happened to him after-

Nevermind, I shouldn't talk about that. It's too-

Don't think about it.


Back to Peter.


"Do you love me?" he asked in the most silvery voice I'd ever heard. He seemed so serious about the question as if his life depended on it.

"I-" before I could think, the words popped out of my mouth, "Peter, I love you."

That's when I broke.

Tears streamed down my face as Peter pulled me into a hug. All of the emotions I was holding inside came right out, pouring onto Peter's shoulder.

"I love you too, Bailey," he whispered. He buried his head into my shoulder, and I, his. We sat, in the middle of the tent, hugging each other until we heard yet another loud strike of lightning.

    The two of us jumped up, still holding onto each other. "Stay with me," he demanded looking into my eyes once again.

I nodded in agreement before he took me outside.

It was raining.

And I mean pouring rain.

Peter took his cloak and was covering the two of us as we ran off into the jungle. He was taking me back to his treehouse, to get better food and clothing before we went off.

It didn't take too long before we were climbing the ladder, leading into the treehouse.

"Put this on!" Peter threw a pile of folded clothes towards me, before leaving me some privacy.

I cautiously put them on, slipping into the tight clothes he had given me.

I cautiously put them on, slipping into the tight clothes he had given me

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Before long, Peter was waiting in the doorway, tapping his foot. "Let's go!" he said as I ran up to him.

"Isn't this a little.." I adjust my top, "A little revealing?"

Peter laughed, looking me up and down. "Oh Bailey, you've got to learn the world's changed."

"So have I," I muttered.

He took me down, out of the treehouse, and we continued to run around. I followed Peter down many paths, twisting and turning through trees and bushes.

He suddenly stopped, near a small stream of water.

"What all did you do when you ran off?" he quietly asked.

I narrowed my eyes, sitting down with Peter. "Well, I saw Thomas and a group he was in..." I spit out.

"Thomas?" he chuckled a little, shaking his head. "Bailey, those were hallucinations. It's an effect from the antidote."

"So I was literally staring at a tree talking to it?" I closed my eyes in embarrassment.

Peter nodded, "You should have told me about that. When you first got back, Bailey."

I wanted to stab Peter, or at least shove something up his throat. Falling in love with him was going to be harder than thought. I had to smile through it though. I had to fake it till I made it.

Authors Note:

Helloooooooo lost ones!
See what I did there?
I'm calling y'all lost ones....
Cheesy, I know.
Anyways, what did you think???
Comment, vote and also, I've made a Tumblr account for Falling In!!!!
K bye
-Bella Kae <3

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