Chapter 3

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Once Peter and I were out the door, I pushed him off of me. My hands flew in front of me, as I backed up. "What do you think you were doing?! Barging in like that? Peter! You need to get your act together!"

He just started at me, his piercing green eyes burning a hole into my skin.
"Stop looking at me like that!" I screamed.

The whole village stopped, listening in to my outburst.

"I'm keeping you safe Bailey." Peter insisted. "Now if you'd stop yelling, maybe we could settle this at home." He lifted both eyebrows, giving me a stern look. "Go home Bailey," he demanded. "I'll get everything you dropped."

I glanced at the ground, where the basket had knocked out of my possession. "What is wrong with you? Why are you acting so-"

"Bailey, go home." Peter started to pick up what had been left on the ground, acting as if nothing had happened.
I shook my head in disappointment, walking away from the house. "See you tonight Peter." The words had barely gotten out of my mouth.


I paced the kitchen, waiting for dinner to be ready, and Peter to come home. I started to worry about him, that I had scared him off. No, he wouldn't miss free food.

Especially mine.

Since I had dropped the chicken Frannie had given me, I decided to just make leftover meat from when Peter and I went hunting. Yes, it may have been 'against the law' for a woman to hunt, but Peter always broke the rules.
He liked to, how do I put this, do it his way.

I heard rumbling come from outside, followed by a crack of thunder. It started to pour down rain, and soon enough there was a loud knocking on the front door.

I raced over to greet Peter but was surprised when it wasn't him. There was a guard from the palace, standing on the steps behind the front door, holding a piece of paper.

"Are you," he looked down to make sure he was saying things correctly. "Are you Miss Bailey Parker?"

"That's not my last name. I'm married, to Peter, the one who owns this household." I corrected.

"Yes that's what I've heard, but it says here that you were never married." the man showed me the paper, and I peeked at the information.

I bit my lip, not knowing what to do. It did say I wasn't married. Which was the truth. Peter was still nowhere in sight, so he couldn't jump in to save the day this time. My breaths got short and fast as I began to panic.

Bailey, you've kept this up for 3 years, you need to tell the truth. Especially to a royal guard!

"Ok, yes, I am Bailey Parker. Is there something wrong?" 

The guard looked at me and nodded. "You haven't had a suitor?"


"Peter doesn't count. If you have no suitor, I am going to have to force you to-"

"Force me into marriage?!"

"It's the law Bailey." he sighed and looked at the paper again. "The king has requested that you see the prince. Prince James has been rejecting all of the princesses that have come, so since you're one of the-" he leaned in closer, his voice getting softer. "You're one of the only beautiful fair maidens around."

I covered my mouth with my hand, shocked to hear what he had just said.
First of all, Prince James is the most impolite, arrogant, and irascible person on earth!

Ugh, now I'm starting to describe what Peter has become.

And if none of you know what those three words mean, here are the definitions-

Impolite: not having or showing good manners; rude
Arrogant: having or revealing an exaggerated sense of one's own importance or abilities
Irascible: having or showing a tendency to be easily angered

"Oh! Uh, come inside" I had completely forgotten that the guard had been standing in the rain, and quickly opened the door about more so that he could come inside.

"I hope you know that being friendly with me isn't going to change the plan."

Well, that's great.

"You have until morning." He began to walk outside again. "No need to pack anything. There will be a wardrobe of clothing when you get to the palace. I will arrange a carriage to bring you there. Have a good evening miss." And with that last word, he was out the door, and into a black carriage.

I shut the door, leaning on it, and sliding down to sit on the floor.

Now would be a great time for Peter to get here.

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