Chapter 11

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My heart was moving so fast, I felt like I couldn't breathe. And it wasn't just the skin tight corset I was wearing. Peter and I stared at each other for an eternity, till I moved my eyes to his neck, which was gassing with blood. There was a strip across his neck, from where I dragged the knife.

After what seemed for forever, Peter grabbed my wrist and smoke filled around us once more. We were transported into some sort of camp he had made, where a group of boys was hanging out.

Peter wiped his neck with his left hand, the one that wasn't squeezing my left wrist, dragging me around with him.

"Pan! What happened to your-" a boy instantly dropped to the ground, and a few boys ran to his aid.

Then I spotted Felix.

He appeared at Peter's side and started to mumble things I could not understand.

Peter nodded and Felix walked away, and we began to near a large, brown tent. Peter let go of my wrist and violently pushed me inside, leaving me on the ground and shutting the tent's door.

Peter walked away, and over to Felix, who was leaning against a tree.

"What happened to not being able to bleed, Pan?" he inquired.

Peter sighed and looked behind himself, making sure no one was listening in to their conversation. "Haven't I told you this before?"

Felix shook his head.

"Bailey," he pointed to a tent, "Is the one I told you about when we first got here. She's the reason I made this island exist."

"She's your weak spot then?"

Peter nodded, "Make sure that she's in your sight at all times. If she gets hurt, or you can't find her, I'm in huge trouble."

"Since when did you get in trouble?"

Peter looked at him, annoyed that he was asking so many questions. "If the Dark One finds her, we're all dead meat. Now, go check on my guest and make sure she's not running off."


I laid on the floor, gathering my thoughts together. Before long, someone had opened up the tent and reached their hand down for me to take it.

"Evening Bailey."

I stood up, facing Felix. "What do you want?"

"I need to make sure you're finding the place to your liking. I there anything you need?"

I shrugged and looked around. "You can tell Peter that I don't need anything from him, and he can stop acting like he didn't do anything to me. Tell him that if he wants to take care of me, talk to me, or anything else, that he can do it himself for once."

Felix rolled his eyes, "I will. Now, why don't you go sit down on a nice log over there?" he pointed to a few 'seats' that surrounded a fire.

I noticed that all the boys were dancing and jumping around this fire also as if they were drunk and having a party.

Felix didn't give me a chance to answer, and quickly pulled me out from the tent, and onto a log. He disappeared before I could say anything.

I looked at my ring and carefully slid it off. I don't know why I ever kept that on anyways. The ring was in my right hand, and I was in the position to throw it, when someone grabbed my wrist, stopping me from doing the action.

My head snapped around, and I saw Peter, standing right behind me.

"What do you think you're doing with that?"

The ring disappeared from my hand, and into Peter's. I looked at his neck, which had no sign of the wound.

"What happened to you!? You used to be the sweetest guy I knew, and then you just-"

All of the boys had stopped, and now were listening in on my speech. I stared at Peter, my eyes getting teary and He just stood there, looking more afraid of what I had to say, then the boys that had stopped to listen.

"We changed. You and I both." I stood up and pushed my way past him, going down a path I had found by the tent I had gone into before. Peter didn't bother catching up to me or sending anyone to get me back. At least I didn't look behind me to check.

What was he even doing on an island with a bunch of boys?

I walked along the path for what seemed like forever, and my stomach started to growl from lack of food. Which reminded me of the stupid corset I was wearing. It was so tight against my skin, and I couldn't take it off since it was tied behind my back.

My breathing was starting to become abnormal, and I felt a headache coming. I finally stopped, and sat against a bigger rock, giving myself a small rest. Just as I was about to close my eyes, I heard rustling in the area.

I immediately stood up and glanced around. There was no sign of anyone, but I still decided to move on and find somewhere else to go. Then, just my luck, I stepped into some sort of trap, and a net came up off the ground and picked me up into the air.

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