Chapter 19

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I had to get out.

There was no telling what Peter was going to do when he got back. That boy had turned into a maniac and I wasn't going to let him get near me again.

It was dark outside, and I looked around for a way to get out. There was a small balcony, much like the one in the palace, but the rails were made of tree limbs.

I ran over and swung my leg over the ledge, hoping I could just jump down and be on my way.

I looked to the ground, which was not too far, but I needed to climb down just a tad before jumping off. I adjusted the grip on the railing and tried to find a ledge to put my foot down, for my first step down.

Climbing down was easier than I thought. I got closer and closer to the ground, then finally, jumped, landing on my hands and knees. I stood up, brushing the dirt off, then looked around.

Two lost boys had their backs to me, most likely guarding the entrance to the treehouse.

Then I booked it.

I sprinted through the woods/jungle, having flashbacks from when I ran through the last time.


Peter looked up, startled at what he felt.

He was sitting on one of the logs, carving something into a stick, as the Lost Boys danced around the fire once more.

"Boys, it seems we have a visitor on the island." he said, immediately standing up.

Everyone stopped and began to run down a trail to see who had come. Peter wasn't expecting anyone, so he was a bit confused on who had come to the island.


Shortly, Peter and his Lost Boys stood on the shore of Neverland, surrounding a boy not far from Peter's age. Or at least what Peter looked like.

"Hello lad, what's your name?" Peter asked, his eyes blazing with fire.

"Hey," the man held his hands up in the air. "I don't want to make any trouble here."

"Trouble?" Peter lifted his eyebrow and laughed with his entourage. "Oh, you were in trouble when you first stepped on my island."

The boy put his arms down and frowned. "Look, I'm here for something that's mine. I've been told you're keeping them here."

"And what might that be?"

"Her name is Bailey Parker. She was promised to be my bride."

Peter laughed again, this time with a little more evil in it. "What was your name again?"

"I'm Prince Derek Charles Edward the 3rd." he said proudly.

"Well, Daniel Chuck Eddy boy the 5th-"

"Derek Charles Ed-"

"Does it look like I care? No. As I was saying," Peter was probably the most self-centered, immature boy you'd ever meet. All he would do was make people feel bad about themselves for his own entertainment.

"Dillan Chance Elliot, if you would come with me, I will show you right to your bride!" Peter lied.

Derek narrowed his eyebrows, not trusting the new host of the island.

Peter soon had his most trusted Lost Boys take Derek to a cage, putting him right next to Wendy's empty cage.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the short chapter! I was hard working on a good cover for the story that I lost track of time. 

I think that I may not post every day for now on, and just whenever I can.

It's the last few weeks of school and of course all my teachers are stressing me out putting a bunch of homework on my plate.

Anyways, have fun trying to figure out who Derek is before the next update!

Maybe a flashback coming up?

Comment if so!

-Bella Kae <3

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