Chapter 10

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"Would you like to tell me your name?" he asked again.

I stared at him, not saying a word.

"Lad-" he put his hand on my shoulder, and I shoved it off with my left hand. "Well, you don't have to be-" he stopped, grabbing my hand and pulling it up to his face.

The ring.

His eyes widened, and I squeezed my eyes, knowing my identity had been found out. I watched Peter look at me, then to my ring. He held up his left hand and flicked his wrist.

Green smoke went around us in a second and we disappeared into the middle of the boy group.

But we weren't in Rosewood anymore. We were in some sort of jungle, a rain forest, I could not tell.

I was surrounded by boys in hoods, and Peter was standing right in front of me

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I was surrounded by boys in hoods, and Peter was standing right in front of me. HIs face was only inches away from mine.

He stared at my face, giving me the most scheming look I've seen.

Suddenly, out of the blue, he ripped off my hood, tearing the weak strings that I had tied earlier. The whole cloak fell to the ground, revealing my whole body.

My head dropped straight down, as I did not want Peter looking at my face anymore.

"Hello, Bailey."

My heart was pounding, and my face was getting hot. I started to feel sweaty and my hand was shaking.

"Welcome to Neverland," he smirked and all the boys started shouting and running around. "I'm sure you'll enjoy your stay," he whispered into my ear. "I know I will."

I looked at him in disgust. "Who do you think you are? You think you can just leave me, just come and kidnap me?" I hissed. "You should really watch yourself, Peter."

"Was that a threat?" he asked in a sarcastic way. Peter lifted an eyebrow, then continued on, "I'm so scared." he pretended to be offended.

The boys around us started to 'ooh', then laugh, thinking I was the stupidest girl they'd ever seen.

"Boys!" Peter yelled. At an instant, they all stopped, listening to him. "If you could fix up camp for our princess here, that would be wonderful."

They all rushed off, leaving Peter and me alone.

Just as quick as they had left, Peter pushed me up against a tree. I could feel his hot breath against my neck. He had a tight grip on my wrists, and I knew it would most likely leave a bruise later on.

"Now, why don't I give you that kiss you wanted the night before you left?" he teased. He started to lean in, but I turned my head, looking away from him.

He pulled his face away from mine, looking at me confused.

"I don't want you kissing me Peter," I told him.

He lifted both eyebrows in surprise. "Really?" I nodded, afraid of what he might do to me. "Then what do you want?"

"For you to leave me alone." his grasp on my wrist had loosened, which was the perfect time to escape. I had eyed a dagger on his side earlier and went straight for it.

He wasn't expecting what I had done, so I knew I could switch places with him, and soon enough he was against the tree.

I held the dagger up to his neck, wanting to make him bleed.

I held the dagger up to his neck, wanting to make him bleed

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"Oh, Bailey." He chuckled a bit, then looked at me in the eyes. "You can't hurt me, you care for me too much." He taunted. "Even if you did, you wouldn't be able to contain yourself enough to apologize."

I gritted my teeth and pushed the dagger closer to his skin. "You don't know me anymore," I whispered.

He looked down at his dagger, them up to me with a grin. "Go ahead." His grin got wider, as he tried to scare me off. "Make me bleed."

And with that, I couldn't take it anymore. I dug the blade into his neck as fast as I could. The moment went by so quickly, that I dropped the dagger and looked at Peter with fury in my eyes.

He stared me down, wide eyed and shocked to see what I had done. I knew he didn't expect this. He thought I was the girl who did everything she was told and was the sweetest that she could be.

But I had changed in the past three months.

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