Chapter 13

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*Back to Bailey's POV*

Great. I'm in a net, in the middle of a jungle, and nothing to do.

I sat there for a while, dangling in the air. Then I heard more rustling.

I snapped my head to the left, to see a man wearing a whole leather outfit, leaning against a tree.

"Well, I didn't expect to catch a girl." He said aloud.

I rolled my eyes. "What do you want?"

The man chuckled a little, then came closer. "I'm looking for Pan, do you know where he is?"

Pan? Why does everyone keep saying that name? Either it's a cooking pan or the Spanish name for bread.

Ohhhh, Peter Pan! Now I get it. That little beast made his last name Pan because he always made bread!

That's stupid.

"I was there a while ago, why?"

"Well if I told you, then you'd go off and tell somebody else wouldn't you now?"

"Look, if you're going over there to kill him," I smiled, "Be my guest."

The man looked at me like I was crazy. He shrugged his shoulders and pulled out a knife.

"And why don't you like Pan? Aren't you one of his allies?" He began to go over to a tree, which had a rope that attached to the net.

He was about to let me go.

"He-" the rope snapped, and I fell to the ground with a loud thud. I began to stand up while brushing off the dirt on my butt. "Thanks."

"My honor."

"And the reason I don't like him is because he left me alone-"

"Peter Pan left you alone?" the man started to laugh until I cut him off.

"I used to live in Rosewood, and he treated me like a servant! We used to best friends, then one week he started acting like a fool, using me to do things for him, and-"

The man hung his head, "Oh, I- I didn't know. I'm sorry."

"It's fine." I smiled again, "Now, you got a plan or are we just going to stand here?"

"Name's Killian." he and I shook hands. "Some call me Captain Hook, bloody pirate, etc."

"Bailey, also known as the girl who stood up to Peter."

We both laughed, and walked off to a ship, off the coastline of the island.


*Peter's POV*

"Now what?! She's run off, and we don't have anyone out there to get her!" I paced the camp as Felix watched me. Most of the boys had gone off to practice archery, sword fighting, and more.

The two of us were alone in the camp, figuring out what to do.

"Great, just great."

"What this time?" Felix asked, annoyed with me.

"I took the ring, and now she's more likely to get hurt!"

"I honestly don't get why she's not allowed to get hurt. It doesn't make sense!"

"I explained this to you when she first got here!"

"Okay! Okay!" Felix threw his hands up in the air.

"Now, back to Bailey. How am I supposed to get her back to camp?"

"What about the cage?"

I stopped, and turned to Felix, a smirk forming on my face. "I have an idea."

"Really?!" Felix jumped up from his seat on a log.

"Yeah... I think it's time we take someone out of their cage."

"That was my idea," Felix muttered.

"What was that?" I asked him in a serious manner.

"Oh! I- I said 'what a great idea'."

"That's what I thought." I began to walk off into the jungle, going down a secret path only a few of the boys knew.

I walked up to a few trees and looked up at a small cage, made of bamboo. I had a small torch with me and lit a few more that stood beside the trees. I went over to a rope and began to lower the cage to the ground.

Once it was on the floor, I waved my hand over the lock, and it magically opened.

"Why, hello Wendy."

Author's Note:

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Author's Note:

Andddddddddd thanks for reading! Please vote this and comment what you think!

-Bella Kae <3

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