Chapter 17

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*Peter's POV*


"How am I supposed to get the antidote on such short notice!?" I screamed. I was pacing the floor of the tree dome, and Tink was sitting on a hammock.

"If you weren't so stupid, you'd already have it here! Why don't you just transport to the waterfall?!"

"Watch her," I demanded. "Make sure she doesn't die before I get back." With that, I transported myself to where the Dreamshade was found, and I opened up a pathway into the waterfall that was hidden behind it.

Somehow Bailey always ended up in trouble while I was away. Like when she almost was eaten by that bear!

Good times.

I should have never taken that ring from her. But then again, she would have thrown it away...

I shook my head. Stop it, Peter, you need to get the antidote.

Stick to the plan.

Hey, now she won't be able to leave the island...

A grin formed on my face as I filled a small canister with the substance.

Nicely done.

Peter Pan never fails!

Well. Except for the fact she doesn't actually like me anymore...

That's a problem.


I poured the antidote into Bailey's mouth and waited for her to be healed. The black in her veins started to disappear, and soon it was all gone.

But she didn't wake up.

Tink and I looked at each other and got closer to Bailey, hoping she might just open her eyes.


"I'm gonna die before she wakes up!" I clenched my fists and sat on the floor.

"Would you be patient for once!? She's probably not waking up because you're so annoying!" Tink pulled the blanket up over Bailey, and stepped back, making sure that Bailey was comfortable.

I couldn't stand Bailey being right in front of me, but not awake. Another reason why we were in separate rooms back in Rosewood.

Before I had taken her to the future life, and before I went back in time to do so, was when we were an actual couple.

We were in fact in the same bed, and we'd always wake up at the same time. So I never had to wait for her to get up, because either she'd be up before me, or we'd wake up together. No in-between.

I loved her so much I just couldn't bear be without her or see her in pain.

"Peter!"Tink screamed.

I rushed over to Bailey, who had started to move her head a bit.

"Bailey, please wake up," I whispered. I leaned over her and kissed her forehead.

"I'll go," Tink said as she went down the ladder.

I noticed that Bailey was breathing abnormally, and narrowed my eyes. Her chest moved up and down too fast, and I tore off the covers, seeing her corset.

I took out my dagger, and ripped the corset apart, quickly pulling it off of her body. Her shirt was torn and I noticed a few scratches and dried blood on her hands and arms.

So, going back to my old ways, I took care of it. Before she woke up.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the short chapter, but at least you got a bit more on the story. What do you think Bailey is going to do when she wakes up? What will Peter do? 

-Bella Kae <3

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