Chapter 27

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I sat on a log while the boys danced around the fire once more. I hung my head low, making a few strands of my hair fall in front of my face. The cold breeze picked up, making me shiver.

I heard someone yell that there was dinner, and all the boys raced over to a large tree, that's roots had grown to form an opening. It must have been the kitchen or something, maybe pantry.

I didn't dare walk over to get food, for I felt I hadn't needed any. Another reason was that I didn't want to face the lost boys after them most likely hearing about everything that had happened to me. I had overheard some of them saying I was just another one of Peter's-

Stop getting those in your head, Bailey. They're just lies they keep making up. There aren't any others that he does anything with, and falls in love just to turn them down later on. You're fine, you just need to stick to the plan and-

My thoughts were interrupted by a warm hand being placed on my shoulder. "You alright love?" I slowly looked up to my right, seeing Peter with a concerned look on his face.

I shrugged, which evidently was an invitation for him to sit next to me. "Stop." I scooted a tiny bit away from Peter, but he followed me, putting his arm around my waist.

"What?" he made a confused look, lifting an eyebrow, "The boys already know about our past."

"Th-they do?" I asked, starting to worry.

What all did they know?

Peter noticed I didn't respond and turned my head so that I was looking into his eyes. "I know," he whispered.

I narrowed my eyes. "Wh-what?"

"I know you're trying to fake it."

My heart started racing. I ran my fingers through my hair, then dropped my head to the ground. I couldn't look into his eyes. They were a trap, taking me away from reality.

"Bailey." he said quietly, "Please look at me."

Now what?

My plan was ruined and I had nothing else to do.

I still couldn't face him.

"Bailey, please." He begged. "I'm sorry for everything. I swear."

"It doesn't make sense." I muttered, putting my hands on my face. My eyes were started to tear up and I didn't want him to see me like this. I didn't know if I should believe him or not. He'd have to make it up to me, somehow...

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