Chapter 30

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I woke up to the sound of Peter pacing the room. My eyes slowly opened, and the light of day made me close them back up. "Bailey, please wake up, there are some things we need to do."

"Ugh, what do I have to do? Please tell me that I'm not cooking for your entire boy group." I got out of the bed, and Peter walked up to me, taking my hand.

"No, you don't need to cook. Unless you want to make me some of that strawberry shortcake..?"

"I don't."

"Oh, then why don't we go get something for you to eat before we-" he sighed. "Nevermind, come on."

We began to walk on a path, leading to Peter's little boy camp. I finally brought up the guts to ask the question I had been thinking ever since it happened.

"So why did you leave Rosewood?"

He glanced at me, then continued watching the path in front of us. "Something came up," he muttered.

"You're lying, stop lying." my voice got louder. "Why don't you tell the truth for once!?"

At my outburst, he stopped, turning towards me. "Well when were you going to tell me you were engaged to an idiot prince?!" he shouted back. "You think I can start telling my secrets when you're not being honest with me either?!"

He came towards me, raging with anger.

"That's no way to treat a lady now is it?" said a new voice.

The two of us turned back to the path, seeing two people in front of us.

"Bailey." one of them whispered.

Derek stood, next to another man, dressed in rags and his skin was sparkling in the sun. Derek tried to come towards me, but the other man held him back.

My heart started to pound. I wasn't hesitant to latch onto Peter, who held me in his arms while the new visitor scowled at us. Peter didn't show any fear, yet he still kept me safe in the moment.

"Why are you back on my island lad?" he asked the sparkling skinned man.

"I came to see my family, Papa." he hissed. I looked up at Peter, confused at what was happening.

"Really?" he lifted an eyebrow, releasing me from his grip. "And what family here do you have?"

"Who do you think, Pan?" the man spit out.

"It'd be nice if you were a little less... Oh, I don't know? Rude?"

"What is going on? You told me that if I helped you, I could have Bailey back in my arms!" Derek yelled.

"That you're right lad." at this, the man grabbed my wrist, pulling me towards him, then he threw me over to his free side, the one Derek wasn't on.

Derek suddenly broke free of the man's grasp and pulled me over towards him. I was being tossed around if you could imagine that.

"Don't hurt her!" Peter screamed. He lunged towards the man with his dagger, almost stabbing him in his side.

"Off of me!" the man pushed Peter to the ground, then pulled me back to his side. He turned to me, while I tried to struggle from his grip. "Hello, mother."

At this moment, everyone stopped screaming, looking at me. I turned towards Peter, shaking. "What is happening?" I whispered.

"The truth." he whispered back.

The whole scene started to disappear. Either I had been knocked out, or was being transported again. I felt a hand go around my waist, and they were hugging me tightly. I couldn't help but do the same with them, for I didn't know what was going on.

But this all ended as I dropped to the ground, soon losing consciousness.

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