Chapter 16

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*Bailey's POV*


Peter wasn't always bad.

He was the kind of guy you'd laugh with in the most serious of times. He liked to make funny faces at you while you were upset. Now that I'm in this castle, in a room by myself most of the time, I have a lot of time on my hands.

So why not reflect on the good things, remember a few stories.

About a year ago, Peter and I had finally gotten our own house. Caroline, whom I had mentioned earlier, had let us stay with her for the few years we settled in with Rosewood. She was so sweet for giving us the shelter we needed.

Back to the story.

So we had finally gotten our house, and there were many rooms upstairs. A whole hallway filled with doors on each side. Well, Peter and I had agreed that we would only act like a 'couple' in public, or whenever we'd have visitors, which meant we'd be sleeping in separate rooms.

Of course, I was super scared of everything, and I am telling you, these next few things I'm about to tell you, are the most real things I've ever experienced.

I walked upstairs, after having dinner at Caroline's (since we had no food yet), and I heard someone's footsteps in my room. Peter was downstairs, which meant, someone was in my room. When I heard someone walking around, I screamed so loud the whole village could hear me.

It was dark, there weren't any lights on except for the small candle in my hands, and I was scared to death.

Peter sprinted up the stairs and I grabbed onto him like he was the only thing that could protect me. Thankfully, he calmed me down and lit a few lights in the hallway so that we could see everything.

Peter went inside my room, leading me in so that I wouldn't be alone. No one was inside, but he didn't notice the gold I saw on the floor. He told me that there must have been a fairy earlier that was blessing the room, or enchanting something because I was so sweet.

To this day, I am still sure that there was someone in my room.

They left a trademark on my floor!

That night Peter let me sleep in his room. He told me to sleep in his bed and that he'd sleep on one of the chairs.

"I'll make sure no one gets in here love."

"Peter, I'm not letting you sleep on one of those uncomfortable chairs! You need to sleep in your bed. I can go in my room if I have to."

But he shook his head. "No, you're sleeping in my bed and that's final. I'd rather have no sleep and you get your beauty sleep."

"Come on-"

"Zip it. I'll go get my bow and arrows so I can keep watch for a while."

That night, Peter didn't get any sleep. He was up all night pacing the floor, making sure no one came in.

Just for me.


It's been a month.

I never thought that I would ever be this bored in life.

The past few days I've started dumping out the cakes that the servers would give me, and go into the garden to eat some of the fruit. These people kept trying to fatten me up, then squeeze me into those corsets that were 5 sizes too small!

I would sit in my room, doing nothing till they'd come in and try to feed me those sickening sweets. I wanted to speak up to them, but they would leave before I could say anything.

Eat healthy kids.

As much as I loved sweets and cookies, I needed a break.

I don't actually know why I'm writing down on these empty pages I found. I guess it relaxes me.


Let's see, last entry I told you about the first night Peter and I was in our house...

Maybe I should tell about our hunting adventures, or maybe-

No. I'll save that for another time.


About a month into living in our new house, Peter finally decided to catch, or kill his own food instead of buying it at the market. We lived near the woods, and it was a short journey.

At first, I didn't want to go with him, but he insisted on me going.

He really just wanted someone to hang out with him, and I was the lucky girl to go with him.

Peter had a hard time making friends with everyone, and I tried to set up something for him. He would always push them away and latch onto me instead.

I never knew if he was just committing to our bogus relationship, or actually in love with me.

Anyways, the first few times I went hunting with him, I would always cry when he shot an animal with an arrow. Peter would give me a 'hush' sign, and I frown, wanting to go back home.

I got used to it, after realizing that we needed food, and this was one of our only resources.

One afternoon, Peter and I were hunting, and I had seen something. Peter was out of sight, and I began to pull my bow out from behind me. As soon as I had my weapon set and ready, a gigantic bear pushed me to the ground, turning me over onto my back.

Its jaws opened wider and wider as it readied itself to tear my face apart.

"I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die!" I cried. Tears were running down my face and I turned my face so that I wouldn't have to look at my last moments.

Then the bear fell onto me, moving no more.

Peter had shot him from behind and quickly ran over to pull me out from under. I was balling and he hugged me tightly, his warm chest against mine. I cried into his shoulder and he tried to calm me down.

"Bailey, Bailey it's alright. You're safe in my arms. I won't let anything happen to you."

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